Sports Services

2023/2024 visits and community service

Visits and community service for the year 2023/2024

1-sports days

Under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Faraj, president of the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport, the national charity sports day was held on Friday (29-9-2023 ) at the Academy's headquarters - Abu Qir




















Within the framework of serving the surrounding community, the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport hosted the main branch in abuqair for 99 students from Al-Zahra Private School (American section) to participate in sports day activities on the Academy's playgrounds.








The sports day of the IGC school for girls is on the playgrounds of the Arab Academy for science and Technology Main Branch.  













A sports day for the mirdi Dio school in Alexandria preparatory stage.











Under the patronage of His Excellency Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Faraj, president of the Arab Academy for sciences, technology and maritime transport, the Academy hosted orphans ' children (at The Mawada and Mercy orphanage in Alexandria) on Saturday, April 27, 2024 for 15 children and 5 supervisors, the sports day starts from 10 am to 2 pm on the Academy's playgrounds at the main headquarters in Abi Qir site in Games (volleyball / basketball / handball / tug of war) to delight all attendees and children, and this day will remain eternal in their memory of what they saw inside this giant majestic edifice, the citadel of Science and administration in the Middle East, with what it offers over the Times and eras, and the classes in It embraces all community works, especially charity, according to the instructions and directives of His Excellency Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Faraj .










Events of the orphan day at the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport main branch in Abu Qir. May 10, 2024














A sports day for the youth and girls of the international education programs at the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport.














2-sports tournaments/ leagues / competitions) 2023/2024

The Academy will host the championship of the teams born in 2008 for the 2023/2024 season at the stadiums of the Arab Academy for sciences, technology and maritime transport.The main branch in Abu Qir.





















Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, president of the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport, hosted the Alexandria open Triathlon Championship. Aquathlon and biathlon On Friday, November 24, 2023, under the patronage of Major General Ahmed Nasser, founder and president of the Egyptian Triathlon Federation, and in the presence of Dr. Fares Mohamed Abazid, chairman of the Alexandria triathlon region  Under the supervision of Dr. Ahmed Khalaf, Director of sports departments and triathlon championship official, Mr. Islam Emad















The Academy hosted a football match between the Egyptian national team born in 2007 and the Alexandria governorate national team born in 2008 on the main stadium of the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport main branch in Abu Qir







The Academy hosted the Republican Modern Pentathlon Championship February 10, 2024 Alexandria Modern Pentathlon Championship (triple and Laser Run April 2024 and the crowning of the Champions of the Republican Modern Pentathlon Championship under 15 years in Alexandria






















Under the patronage of Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, president of the Arab Academy in the main branch in Abu Qir, hosting the Republic championship for modern pentathlon organized by the Egyptian federation for modern pentathlon as follows :- 1-the Republic championship for modern pentathlon (Under 19 years) on two days Friday and Saturday, April 19, 20, 2024 from 8 am to 5 pm Alexandria region championship for modern pentathlon (triple and Laser Run April 2024 And crowning the Champions of the U-19 stage (girls and boys ) for the Modern Pentathlon Championship of the Republic















The Republic championship for modern pentathlon Under 17 years 4 May 2024 Alexandria region championship for modern pentathlon (triple and Laser Run April 2024 the coronation of the Champions of the winter pentathlon Union Championship for modern pentathlon















The Republic championship for modern pentathlon Under 19 years 8 / May 2024 Alexandria region championship for modern pentathlon (triple and Laser Run April 2024 the coronation of the Champions of the winter pentathlon Union Championship for modern pentathlon














2-The Republic championship for modern pentathlon (Under 17 years) on two days Thursday and Friday, May 2, 3, 2024 from 8 am to 5 pm, with competitions in (swimming / shooting / running / handicaps / weapons )














Alexandria Modern Pentathlon Championship (triple and Laser Run April 2024














Under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag, president of the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport, the Academy hosted a tournament dedicated to special abilities Paralympics, which includes players and players of determination, on Friday, November 23, 2024 at the Academy's stadiums at the main headquarters on the site of During the day, all attendees, from supervisors and players, expressed their happiness for the day that will remain eternal in their memory of what they saw inside this giant majestic edifice, the citadel of Science and administration in the Middle East, with what it offers over the ages and ages and the progress of classes in its embrace of all community works, especially charity, according to the instructions and directives of His Excellency Dr. Ismail Abdul Ghaffar Ismail FRG .Head of the Academy .

















3-Gaming Academy Summer 2024

Announcement of the teacher's summer morning program to practice a variety of games to serve the children of employees and the external community Summer 2024









The announcement of the evening summer swimming school only to serve the children of employees and the outside Community summer 2024









Summer school events to serve the children of employees and the external community Summer 2024

















4-training camp for national teams summer 2024

The activities of the training camp for the ghazal Al Mahalla club team include green playgrounds, gym and swimming at the main branch of the Academy in Abu Qir















F. C. senior team coaching















Lavina team training camp












Activities of the football match on August 29, 2024 at the main branch of the Academy in Abu Qir between the two junior teams of the Egyptian Zamalek club and the Saudi Al-maasadiya club under the age of 18.












Olympic Club training











The events of today's match between the bruxi club team and the Aswan club team.








Friendly tournament Activities today, September 20, 2024, at the Academy's headquarters, the main branch in abugir, with the participation of the following teams: Alexandrian Union Club - Olympic Club - dekernes club - border guards club - proxy club. Born in 2013 and 2014




















A friendly match between the teams of Delphi Sports Club and Al Nasr Mining Club. September 25, 2024