College of Language and Communication  Alexandria

Language and Translation

Language and Translation Department

Through delivering a carefully constructed curriculum, the Language and Translation program seeks to prepare graduates to become qualified calibers in the fields of translation and language studies with ample knowledge of the latest developments in the media field.


Degrees Offered

Language and Translation Department offers a Bachelor's degree in Translation and an accredited certificate from Autonoma University of Barcelona in Spain.

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Market & Career

  • Translation and Interpretation

    - Simultaneous interpretation in international conferences & organizations

    - Health and medical interpretation and translation

    - Legal Translation in courts, embassies and judicial bodies

  • AVT and Content Writing

    - Dubbing, subtitling, and voiceover 

    - Content writing and content creation
    - Newspapers and Magazines 
    - Advertising and PR agencies 
    - Editing & proofreading in publishing houses
    - Radio & TV channels 

  • Language Programming

    - Language programming for artificial intelligence systems

    - Software Localization

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