College of Language and Communication  Alexandria

Social Psychology

  • Humanities |


On completion of this course, students will be able to: 1.1 Define the basic key principles of psychology. 1.2 Identify the different stages of human development. 1.3 Explain types of associative and cognitive learning. 1.4 Discuss the differences between the theories of traditional intelligence and multiple intelligence. 1.5 Identify stress. 1.6 Classify the different types of motives. 2.1 Assess different parenting styles and moral development levels. 2.2 Analyze real-life situations based on types of learning. 2.3 Classify different intellectual skills. 2.4 Examine the various types of conflicts. 2.5 Analyze Maslow's hierarchy of needs. 2.6 Compare different types of motives. 2.7 Examine some persuasion techniques employed by practitioners in different areas. 3.1 Examine how heredity and environment affect human’s development, morals, and values. 3.2 Apply different concepts of associative learning and cognitive learning in different fields. 3.3 Differentiate between the different types of intelligence. 3.4 Identify defense mechanisms used to overcome stress, depression and frustration. 3.5 Evaluate situations according to Maslow’s hierarchy of basic and meta needs. 3.6 Differentiate between different types of problem solving 4.1 Work in stressful environments. 4.2 Work within a specific time frame. 4.3 Improve research skills.


Humanities Department


  • This course aims at applying psychological knowledge in understanding social behavior and mental processes. This takes place through examining how psychological theories and principles are applied to real-life situations in education, language and media. The course also highlights how the surrounding environment and heredity can affect human motives and human development. Moreover, topics covered include social disorders, social beliefs, cultural influences, self-knowledge, self-esteem and interpersonal relationships.


Coon, D., & Mitterer, J. O. (2021). Introduction to psychology: Gateways to mind and behavior with concept maps and reviews. Cengage Learning.

Course Content

content serial Description
1Psychology, Critical Thinking & Science
2Human Development
3Conditioning & Learning
4Conditioning & Learning (Ctd.)
5Multiple Intelligence
6Thinking & Influence
7Thinking & Influence / 7th Week Exam
8Cognitive information processing
9Health, Stress & Coping
10Health, Stress & Coping
11Mental Disorders
12Mental Disorders / 12th Week Assessment
13Motivation & Emotion
14Motivation & Emotion
16Final Assessment

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