Knowledge and comprehension skills. Intellectual skills. Professional and practical skills. General skills. Providing the student with information and knowledge about the basics of writing literary texts. Understanding how to avoid linguistic errors. Knowing the extent to which the Arabs express themselves in creative literary templates. Mastering sounds and their eloquent standard. Emphasizing intonation, and the rise and fall of the pitches of voice during the pronunciation of some declarative, interrogative, exclamatory, and denouncing sentences. Knowing how to perform in intonation, the rise and fall of the pitches, the speed of performance and pause during the dialogue according to the meaning. Applying the techniques of writing a short essay. Addressing different problems and the how to solve them.
Humanities Department
المهارات اللغوية تأليف: د/ محمد نادر عبد الحكيم ، د/ سلمى إبراهيم عكو، دار النشر الهاني للطب
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