Student Affairs  Alexandria


Student families are an organization emanating from the Families Committee of the College Students Union. Its purpose is to develop a spirit of cooperation between students, as well as between them and their professors, and to expand the base of student social, cultural, artistic and sports activities that help students hone their talents, develop their abilities and skills, and invest their free time. Each family establishes as many committees as it sees fit to organize activities, such as the social, cultural, sports, or excursions committee, provided that each committee has a course of students and a specific program.

The Arab Academy for Science and Technology is based on preparing student leaders and caring for the distinguished in order to develop the student’s sense of himself, himself, and his national and national affiliations, and try to help him launch in the sky of excellence and uniqueness and prove himself in a way that achieves self-satisfaction and standing on his talents in terms of finding the opportunity for him to open the windows of excellence. It is an activity that prepares the elite of students with leaership, intellectual and cultural abilities by providing them with the appropriate climate to show their excellence and activate their role in leadership and in assuming the reins of affairs in order to prepare them for the future.

The captive activity provides its students with the following activities:

1- Cultural competitions.

2- Know your country program.

3- The annual festival for families.

4- Organizing recreational trips.

5- Social competitions

6- Participation in the activities and competitions of Egyptian universities.

7- Environmental and community service projects

 8- Leaders preparation and civil education courses 


IEEE and its members inspire a global community to innovate for a better tomorrow through highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE is the trusted “voice” for engineering, computing, and technology information around the globe.

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IEEE AAST students organized the first scientific research competition for university students in Egypt on: 11/10/2023

Within the framework of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport’s interest in developing the skills of its students and graduates and preparing them in a way that keeps pace with the requirements of the labor market inside and outside Egypt... as well as participating in various international scientific societies... and under the patronage of His Excellency Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag... President of the Academy and under the directives of Professor Dr. Mohamed Mahmoud Abu Al-Azm, Dean of Student Affairs, and Dr. Ahmed Khalifa, Assistant Dean of Student Affairs... The students of IEEEAAST organized the first scientific research competition for university students in Egypt under the supervision of the Department of Cultural and Social Activities, on Friday 11/10/2023, which included about 200 students from the campaign. The bachelor’s and master’s degrees who competed in submitting research papers. The day began with an academy speech delivered by Professor Dr. Muhammad Mahmoud Abu Al-Azm - Dean of Student Affairs, then a speech by Dr. Ahmed Abdel Aziz - Head of the Electronics and Communications Engineering Department and supervisor of the IEEE Society at the academy... Then the projects were presented. And research papers, and honoring the winners, speakers, and the addition to eating lunch in the main restaurant of the academy. The attendees and participants in the competition praised the academy’s capabilities and the organization of today’s sections. All thanks to our sons, the students of the IEEE Society, at the level of organization, which is not new to them, and special thanks to our colleagues in the Department of Cultural and Social Activities, the Security Department, and the Department of Security. Appreciation for their contribution to the emergence of the Academy in a decent and always honorable manner, and special thanks to His Excellency Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar Ismail Farag - President of the Academy for his constant support of our students in the branches of international scientific societies at the Academy, which places the Academy in a leadership position among educational institutions.

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The IEEE R8 SAC Web Development Conference will be held on 5/28/2023

Sustainable Steam Systems Unleashed: Feeding a Greener Future with Clearer Oxygen!
Check out these captured moments!
Many thanks to all the distinguished speakers, guests, attendees and volunteers for their dedication to creating a greener and more prosperous future!
Honored to collaborate with Electrical & Control Engineering Dept, College of Engineering & Tech, AAST, Mechanical Engineering - AAST Alexandria, AAST Marine & Marine Engineering Dept., Spirax Sarco, and AASTMT-Student Affairs-Alexandria Their support is truly appreciated!


  The College of Engineering and Technology, in cooperation with the Department of Cultural and Social Activity, organized a symposium with the Baheya Foundation in the name of our journey through our journey through the world of biomedical engineering on 5/14/2023

IEEE Egypt Conference for Students and Young Professionals 2022

IEEE Protons 2022 closing ceremony

20th Anniversary Celebration of IEEE AAST Alex SB