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Community participation and attendance of a scientific conference on “The New in Pharmaceutical Sciences” at Pharos University

Upon the kind invitation of Prof. Mahmoud Mohy Eldin, President of Pharos University, and Prof. Dr. Maged El-Ghazoly, Dean of the College of Pharmacy Prof. Dr Mohamed Etman, Professor of Pharmaceutics, participated in the activities of the conference held under the title "Innovations in Pharmaceutical Sciences" on Saturday, 14th of May 2022, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Evan Saad, Dean of the College of pharmacy- AASTMT-Alamein.
Prof. Dr. Mohamed Etman participated in the discussions that took place during the first three Plenary Lectures and reviewed some issues related to them entitled:
‘Discovery and Development of Drugs in RNA Era’
‘Localization and Intercultural’
‘The Era of Biosimilars’.
The conference included lectures and sessions rich in modern topics, as well as presentations on many advanced and updated researches.