This course deals with the characteristics and use of drugs intended for the treatment of infectious diseases. Interactive approaches are used to familiarize the students with background information underlying the expected side effects and the interactions between these agents and other drugs, foods, or disease conditions.
PharmD Clinical
- Domain (1): Fundamental knowledge
By the end of the course the student should be able to:
1.1 Recognize the different pharmacological classes and examples of drugs used to treat infectious diseases.
1.2 Describe the detailed mechanism of action and the role of drugs in correcting the targeted pathophysiological process.
1.3 Explain the underlying causes of potential drug toxicities and side effects, as well as potential drug-drug and drug-food interactions.
Domain (2): Professional and Ethical Practice
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
2.1 Analyze the role of the drug in correcting the targeted pathophysiological process.
2.2 Interpret information to avoid and resolve potential side effects and drug-drug interactions.
2.3 Interpret the role of the drug in correcting the targeted pathophysiological process and the underlying causes of potential drug toxicities
Domain (3): Pharmaceutical Care
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
3.1 Compose proper advice about the ideal use of drugs based on their mechanism of action.
3.2 Apply problem solving skills in addressing and solving drug-related problems.
3.3 Relate etiology, epidemiology, pathophysiology, laboratory diagnosis, and clinical features of disorders of the infectious diseases and their pharmacotherapeutics approaches.
Domain (4): Personal Practice
At the end of the course the student should be able to:
4.1 Demonstrate responsibility for team performance and peer evaluation of other team members, and express time management skills.
4.2 Retrieve and critically analyze information, identify and solve problems, and work autonomously and effectively in a team.
4.3 Use new technologies and media to demonstrate effective presentation skills.
4.4 Practice independent learning needed for continuous professional development.