The course provides students with the basic features of medical virology. It also familiarizes students with the common viral infections and diseases of medical importance, their microbial causes, as well as laboratory diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control of such diseases.
PharmD Clinical
- Knowledge and Understanding
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
a1. Distinguish different DNA and RNA viruses, their characteristics, their virulence factors, pathogenesis mechanisms,
caused diseases, laboratory diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
a2. Have an understanding of viral life cycles and differences between DNA and RNA viral replication mechanisms.
a3. Be informed on vaccines available for viral pathogens studied during the course.
Intellectual Skills
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
b1. Classify viruses according to their nucleic acid and differentiate symptoms associated with major viral infections
and be able to apply the required measurements for prevention and control of viral diseases and treatment.
b2. Relate diseases caused by DNA, RNA virus and syndromes and illustrate the mechanisms of pathogenesis and
immunity to viral diseases.
b3. Interpret different laboratory diagnostic results with respect to the clinical picture.
Professional and Practical skills
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
c1. Apply the skills required for the identification of viral infections.
c2. Detect the signs and symptoms of different viral infections
c3. Apply laboratory diagnosis and treatment of some viral diseases.
c4. Practice problem solving through case studies and study questions.
General and Transferable skills
By the end of the course, the students should be able to:
d1. Implement proficiency in writing, presentation and communication skills.
d2. Practice independent learning needed for continuous professional development.