Serial | Title | E-ISSN | Publisher | Quartile |
1 | Annual Review of Marine Science | 19410611 | Annual Review of Marine Science | Q1 |
2 | Economics of Transportation | | Elsevier | Q1 |
3 | EURO Journal on Transportation and Logistics | 21924384 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
4 | ICES Journal of Marine Science | 10959289 | Oxford University Press | Q1 |
5 | IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Magazine | 19411197 | IEEE | Q1 |
6 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 10959270 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
7 | International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology | 15568334 | Taylor & Francis | Q1 |
8 | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 20460449 | Elsevier | Q1 |
9 | Journal of Marine Systems | | Taylor & Francis | Q1 |
10 | Journal of Navigation  | 15572293 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
11 | Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy | 14697785 | Cambridge University Press | Q1 |
12 | Marine Environmental Research | 21986452 | Marine Environmental Research | Q1 |
13 | Marine Mammal Science | 18790291 | Elsevier | Q1 |
14 | Marine Policy | 17487692 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
15 | Marine Pollution Bulletin | | Elsevier | Q1 |
16 | Marine Resource Economics | 18793363 | Elsevier | Q1 |
17 | Marine Structures | 23345985 | University of Chicago Press | Q1 |
18 | Maritime Economics and Logistics | | Elsevier | Q1 |
19 | Maritime Policy and Management | | Springer Nature | Q1 |
20 | Navigation | | Taylor & Francis | Q1 |
21 | Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation | 25502247 | Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia | Q1 |
22 | Research in Transportation Business and Management | 21614296 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q1 |
23 | Research in Transportation Economics | | Elsevier | Q1 |
24 | SAE International Journal of Transportation Safety | | Elsevier | Q1 |
25 | Transportation | 23275634 | SAE | Q1 |
26 | Transportation Research, Part D: Transport and Environment | 15729435 | Springer Nature | Q1 |
27 | Transportation Research, Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review | | Elsevier | Q1 |
28 | Transportation Science | | Elsevier | Q1 |
29 | Bulletin of Marine Science | 15265447 | Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences | Q1 |
30 | Economics of Transportation | | Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science | Q2 |
31 | IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation | | Elsevier | Q2 |
32 | International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law | | Springer Nature | Q2 |
33 | International Journal of Navigation and Observation | 15718085 | Brill | Q2 |
34 | International Journal of Sustainable Transportation | 16876008 | Hindawi | Q2 |
35 | Journal for Maritime Research | 15568334 | Taylor & Francis | Q2 |
36 | Journal of Advanced Transportation | 14691957 | Taylor & Francis | Q2 |
37 | Journal of Marine Engineering and Technology | 20423195 | Hindawi | Q2 |
38 | Journal of Marine Science and Application | 20568487 | Taylor & Francis | Q2 |
39 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | 19935048 | Haerbin Gongcheng Daxue/Harbin Engineering University | Q2 |
40 | Journal of Marine Science and Technology | 20771312 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Q2 |
41 | Journal of Modern Transportation | 14378213 | Springer Nature | Q2 |
42 | Journal of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering | 21960577 | Springer Nature | Q2 |
43 | Journal of Navigation | 20708998 | Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | Q2 |
44 | Journal of Ocean Engineering and Marine Energy | 14697785 | Cambridge University Press | Q2 |
45 | Journal of Public Transportation | 21986452 | Springer Nature | Q2 |
46 | Journal of Transportation Safety and Security | | National Center for Transit Research | Q2 |
47 | Journal of Transportation Security | 19439970 | Taylor & Francis | Q2 |
48 | Marine Structures | | Springer Nature | Q2 |
49 | Marine Technology Society Journal | | Elsevier | Q2 |
50 | Maritime Economics and Logistics | | Marine Technology Society, Inc. | Q2 |
51 | Maritime Studies | | Springer Nature | Q2 |
52 | Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation | 22129790 | Springer Nature | Q2 |
53 | Polish Maritime Research | 21614296 | Wiley-Blackwell | Q2 |
54 | Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Maritime Engineering | 20837429 | Walter de Gruyter | Q2 |
55 | Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part M: Journal of Engineering for the Maritime Environment | 17517737 | Thomas Telford Services Ltd | Q2 |
56 | Transportation Planning and Technology | | SAGE | Q2 |
57 | Transportation Research Procedia | 10290354 | Taylor & Francis | Q2 |
58 | WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs | 23521465 | Elsevier | Q2 |
59 | Advances in Transportation Studies | 16541642 | Springer Nature | Q2 |
60 | Australian Journal of Maritime and Ocean Affairs | | Aracne Editrice | Q3 |
61 | International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law | 23336498 | Taylor & Francis | Q3 |
62 | International Journal of Navigation and Observation | 15718085 | Brill | Q3 |
63 | ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers) | 16876008 | Hindawi | Q3 |
64 | Journal of Marine and Island Cultures | | Institute of Transportation Engineers | Q3 |
65 | Journal of Marine Environmental Engineering | 22126821 | nstitution for Marine and Island Cultures, Mokpo National University | Q3 |
66 | Journal of Marine Research | 10290427 | Old City Publishing Inc. | Q3 |
67 | Journal of Marine Science and Application | 15439542 | Sears Foundation for Marine Research | Q3 |
68 | Journal of Marine Science and Engineering | 19935048 | Haerbin Gongcheng Daxue/Harbin Engineering University | Q3 |
69 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | 20771312 | Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute (MDPI) | Q3 |
70 | Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies | | National Taiwan Ocean University | Q3 |
71 | Journal of Transportation Security | | Jefferson Law Book Co. | Q3 |
72 | Marine Ornithology | | Springer Nature | Q3 |
73 | Marine Systems and Ocean Technology | | Pacific Seabird Group | Q3 |
74 | Marine Technology Society Journal | 21994749 | Springer Nature | Q3 |
75 | Maritime Affairs | | Marine Technology Society, Inc. | Q3 |
76 | Maritime Studies | | Marine Technology Society, Inc. | Q3 |
77 | Transactions of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects Part A: International Journal of Maritime Engineering | 22129790 | Springer Nature | Q3 |
78 | Transactions on Maritime Science | 17400716 | Royal Institution of Naval Architects | Q3 |
79 | WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs | 18483313 | Faculty of Maritime Studies | Q3 |
80 | Advances in Transportation Studies | 16541642 | Springer Nature | Q3 |
81 | Dalian Haishi Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Dalian Maritime University | | Aracne Editrice | Q4 |
82 | ITE Journal (Institute of Transportation Engineers) | | Dalian Haishi Daxue Chubanshe  | Q4 |
83 | Jiaotong Yunshu Xitong Gongcheng Yu Xinxi/ Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology | | Institute of Transportation Engineers | Q4 |
84 | Journal for Maritime Research | | Science Press | Q4 |
85 | Journal of Taiwan Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers | 14691957 | Taylor & Francis | Q4 |
86 | Transactions on Maritime Science | 25383906 | Institute of Geophysics, Tehran University | Q4 |