College of Maritime Transport and Technology  Alexandria

Study and Assessment Guide

Attendance Evaluation Method

During Study

·      Attending lectures is essential and teachers record the daily attendance of students in courses.

·      The student is responsible for the lessons and assignments given during the period of his unexcused absence.

·      The student will be forced to withdraw from the course if the percentage of his unexcused absence reaches 15% of the number of hours of that course, and 20% if the student’s absence was due to imperative circumstances that are left for the teacher and the department concerned to decide whether to accept or reject.

During Guided Sea Training / Planned Sea Training

·      The student’s assessment during the guided sea training / planned sea training is related to the set attendance and practical applications scores deductions are issued for non-regularity.

·      The student’s training period shall be cancelled if his attendance percentage s down below 90% of the total hours assigned for the training period and he shall get an “F”.

Assessment System

During Study

·      The student is continuously assessed during the semester through written and practical examinations, discussions, the researches assigned to him,  daily assignments, participation in discussions and regular attendance, in addition to other means of assessment, all of which enable the student to be aware of his academic achievement and take remedial action if necessary.

      The final course assessment is as follows:

  •   10% of the final mark for week 4 assessment.
  •   20% of the final mark for week 7 assessment
  •  10% of the final mark for week 10 assessment
  •  10% of the final mark for week 12 assessment
  •   10% for semester work
  •   40% for the final examination

·      The final examination of any course is held once at the end of the semester.  The said examination shall be written or applied depending on the course and shall cover all the course topics.  However, in the case of projects, the Department Board shall determine the method of assessment which shall be announced to the students.

·      The educational departments shall declare the result of the assessment twice through the Internet: at the end of week 8 and week 12.

During Guided Sea Training / Planned Sea Training

·      Guided Sea Training

§  It is considered one of the study semesters of the total study period.

§  A student shall not be allowed to register for the guided sea training period unless he has successfully completed its requirements stipulated by the educational departments.

§  A student shall successfully complete this period if he:

-          Performs all duties and watchkeeping works efficiently and prepares the reports assigned to him.

-          Succeeds in the practical and oral examinations administered at the end of this period with no less than 2.  A student shall repeat the period, or part of it, if he fails to meet the requirements.  The academic committee sets the rules related to this issue.

·      Planned Sea Training

§  The student’s performance during this period is assessed on the basis of the follow-up reports submitted by the shipping companies in charge of training, doing the duties assigned to him, and preparing the required reports, in addition to the oral examination administered at the end of this period to assess the expertise the student gained from that period.  In case of not achieving the required standard, the student shall go back to sea for not less than three months to complete his training.

·      The Project

§  With respect to the educational streams requiring project preparation as a requirement for graduation, students shall be assigned to supervisors from the staff and others as well in the student’s last two study semesters.  Assessment of the project shall be done by the evaluation committees assigned by the concerned department.