The Department Provides an abundance of opportunities to engane whith....
Computer Engineering program qualifies graduates who can design computers and computer-based systems that include both hardware and software to solve novel engineering problems, subject to trade-offs, involving a set of competing goals and constraints. Also, computer engineering graduates have a breadth knowledge in mathematics and engineering sciences associated with the broader scope of engineering and beyond. Moreover, the department provides the business and industry communities with high quality computer engineers who are educated through our learning, program skills, hands-on experience training and research.
Intelligent Systems engineering deals with technologically advanced machines that perceive and respond to the world around them, for example, nanoscale medical devices, autonomous vehicles, and smart homes. In this domain, engineers work in dynamic environments along with colleagues from other disciplines.
Computer hardware engineers research, design, develop, and test computer systems and components such as processors, circuit boards, and memory devices.
Computer Networking engineers are highly skilled in maintaining the connectivity of networks in terms of data, voice, calls, videos, and wireless network services.
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