Overall Course Objectives
This course covers the magnetic compass, gyroscopic compass, fluxgate compass, automatic pilot, rate of turn indicator and speed &distance log instruments. That course provide the candidate the understanding of the theory of operation and how to use all indicated instruments for safe and efficient navigation. In the aspect of getting the candidate well familiar with different methods of calculating the errors which can be obtained from the compasses and comparing between the readings of them, and also will be familiar with the theory of operation of the gyroscopic compass and how it work in addition it will help him to understand the theory of operation of the rate of turn indicator ,fluxgate compass ,speed & distance log instruments and the different methods of using Auto Pilot for steering and control the ship in order to deal with a potentially hazardous situation. It does this by giving information on the understanding and safe use of such instruments.
On completion of this courses the student will be able to :
• Use the magnetic compass, gyroscopic compass, fluxgate compass, automatic pilot, the rate of turn indicator and speed &distance log instruments in the proper way to have a safe and efficient navigation.
• Calculating the errors which can be obtained from the compasses.
• Make frequently adjustment, checking and routine maintenance of these instruments.
• Understand how the ship's compasses are calibrated and treated.
Knowledge and Understanding
At the end of the course, students should be able to:
• Understand the basic theory and use of the magnetic compass, gyroscopic compass, fluxgate compass, automatic pilot, rate of turn indicator and speed &distance log instruments.
• Understand the operation procedure of the gyroscopic compass, fluxgate compass, automatic pilot, rate of turn indicator and speed & distance log instruments.
Course content
1. Theory of magnetism.
2. Earth magnetism & magnetic variation.
3. Ship magnetism (permanent magnetism)
4. Ship magnetism (induced magnetism).
5. Different methods of calculating the deviation.
6. Principle of operation of magnetic compass instrument
7. Construction of magnetic compass.
8. Check & simple maintenance of the magnetic compass.
9. Introduction of the gyro compass.
10.  Free Gyroscope and its properties.
11. Types of Apparent motion of the free gyroscope.
12. Effect of the free gyroscope apparent motion.
13.  Convert the free gyroscope to north seeking gyroscope.
14. Construction of the gyro compass instrument.
15. Correct using of the gyro compass
16. Concept and uses of the fluxgate compass
17. Principle of operation of the Auto pilot
18. How to use the Auto pilot to steer the ship
19. The theory of operation of the rate of turn indicator.
20. How to use the rate of turn indicator device.
21. Electromagnetic speed & distance log
22. Doppler speed &distance log.
23. Applications of the speed & distance log.