
This course provides an introduction to numerical methods and their applications to solve science and engineering problems. In addition, convergence and error analysis of numerical methods is covered.


Bachelor in Electronics and Communications Engineering


  • Solving Equations, error analysis, solving system of linear algebraic equations, numerical differentiation & integration, Interpolation and regression.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week Number 1 : Introduction to Numerical Analysis and course description.
2Week Number 2 : Solution of equation: Bisection, secant.
3Week Number 3 : Solution of equation: Modified Secant (Regula Falsi).
4Week Number 4 : Solution of equation: Successive Approximation.
5Week Number 5 : Solution of equation: modified Successive Approximation.
6Week Number 6 : Solution of equation: Newton Raphson & Berge Vieta.
7Week Number 7 : 7th Week Exam.
8Week Number 8 : Error Analysis: Rounding off, Instability, Ill conditioning.
9Week Number 9 : Error Analysis: Process Graph.
10Week Number 10 : Error Analysis Error propagation. Solution of systems of linear equations: Gauss elimination.
11Week Number 11 : Solution of a system of linear equations: Gauss Jordan, Gauss Jordan for Integral Matrices.
12Week Number 12 : 12th Week Exam.
13Week Number 13 : Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal, Simpson and Midpoint rule.
14Week Number 14 : Numerical interpolation: Linear, Quadratic, Gaussian.
15Week Number 15 : Least square error and Regression: linear, Quadratic.
16Week Number 16 : Presentation of projects and Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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