This course will provide an opportunity for participants to establish or advance their understanding of research through critical exploration of research process, ethics, and approaches. This course aims to give an introduction to the research methods most often used in fundamental and applied research. Students will gain a knowledge and understanding of concepts and terminology of empirical methods used in the field. The course introduces the elements of the research process within quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods approaches. It covers many topics related to research design, data collection, analysis, validity, critical appraisal of research results and report writing. The Thesis writing is also covered. Selection of a particular research method will be determined based on the problem under investigation and its underlying assumptions. Participants will use these theoretical underpinnings to begin to critically review literature relevant to their field or interests and determine how research findings are useful in forming their understanding of their work, social, local and global environment.
On completion of this course you should be able to:rn
PhD Program
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