The different types of the subsea systems are introduced. The installation, repairs and maintenance of these systems are then introduced. Moreover, some practical cases are to be interpreted
Master of Engineering in MarineEngineering
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content serial | Description |
1 |  Deep water Technology. |
2 |  Statics for Deep Water Systems. |
3 |  Installation Basics. |
4 |  X-Tree and Pipeline Installations. |
5 |  Manifold, PLET and Jumpers Installations. |
6 |  Umbilical, UTA and Flying Leads Installations. |
7 |  Subsea Control System Configurations and Content. |
8 |  Control Basics. |
9 |  MCS Connections and Hardware. |
10 |  Control Valves and Chocks. |
11 |  Fault Finding and Valve Foot Printing. |
12 |  Subsea Maintenance and Tasks. |
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