
Base band communication of Analog signals. FDM Concepts. Amplitude modulation, mathematical description and spectral characteristics of full carrier AM, DSB-SC, SSB-SC, and VSB. Multiplexing techniques (QAM and FDM). Angle modulation (FM and PM) generation and detection of CW modulation. Sampling theory and its practical aspects. PAM, Time Division multiplexing, TDM-PAM, PWM. And PPM generation and detection. Cross talk and channel bandwidth requirements, Baseband Digital Modulation: Pulse Coding modulation (PCM), DPCM and Delta Modulation (DM), Prediction


Bachelor in Electronics and Communications Engineering


  • To enable the student of identifying:rn Amplitude modulation, mathematical description and spectral analysis of DSB-TC, DSB-SC, VSB, QAM.rn Angle modulation, mathematical description, spectral analysis and modulation and demodulationrn Introducing sampling theorem and its practical aspects, time division multiplexing, pulse modulation and demodulation.rn Analog Pulse Modulation PAM, PWM, and PPM rn Baseband Digital Modulation: Pulse Coding Modulation (PCM), DPCM and Delta Modulation (DM). Predictionrn


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week Number 1: Revision. Introduction to communication systems. Linear Modulation / Exponential modulation. Digital modulation basics.
2Linear Modulation: Amplitude modulation (AM) DSB-TC, DSB-SC, Vestigial Side band (VSB)
3Week Number 3: Generation of (AM) DSB-TC. Detection of (AM) DSB-TC. Generation of (AM) DSB-SC: Product modulator. Balanced modulator. Ring modulator.
4 Generation of SSB-SC: The frequency discrimination method. The phase discrimination method.
5Week Number 5: Synchronous detection of Linear Modulation Signals. Effect of phase shift and frequency offset errors.
6Week Number 6: Frequency Division multiplexing (FDM). QAM. Super heterodyne receivers
7Week Number 7: Exponential Modulation: FM and PM mathematical analysis, sensitivity and modulation index. FM and PM single tone modulation. Bandwidth and power.
8Week Number 8: Narrow band NBFM and WBPM. Phasor diagram. WBFM spectrum. Generation of FM. FM Armstrong generation. Detection of FM.
9Week Number 9: Sampling theorem for low pass signals. Natural sampling relation to PAM. LPF reconstruction.
10Week Number 10: Practical sampling (Flat top sampling), Reconstruction: S&H circuits. ZOH and FOH filters
11Analog Pulse Modulation: PAM, PWM and PPM. Bandwidth and power.
12Week Number 12: Generation of and Conversion among PAM, PWM and PPM. Time-Division Multiplexing (TDM) of PAM, PWM and PPM.BW of PAM.
13Week Number 13: Baseband Digital Modulation: Pulse coding modulation (PCM), Quantization and coding. Basic PCM waveforms: RB, RZ and NRZ, Manchester code.
14Week Number 14: Nonlinear PCM generation. Companding (µ-law PCM, A-law PCM)
15Week Number 15: Differential Modulation: DPCM and Delta Modulation (DM). Prediction.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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