Healthcare Quality Management Track

This unique track of MQM represents an excellent opportunity for healthcare organizations that would like to build capacity by strengthening their quality initiatives. It is designed to deliver an integrated approach to meet the needs of healthcare professionals both clinical and managerial staff committed to leading continual quality improvement.

Healthcare Quality track objective is to prepare individuals who are considered capable and skilled in linking theoretical foundations of quality, risk and safety with practical applications in healthcare services, this program offers the student a solid foundation in the current methods of process improvement in healthcare services by incorporating best practices for leaner process that lead to enhanced healthcare service quality.

The delegates will able to design strategies that improve hospitals performances and drive innovation and excellence in healthcare services. Moreover, the program will provide delegates with the state of art knowledge and skills about quality management tools and techniques implementation that help hospitals in national and international accreditation.

Program objectives:
  • Drive change and foster a culture of quality and safety in healthcare sector.
  • Generate data-driven solutions to address operational challenges.
  • Measure, interpret, and communicate meaningful healthcare outcomes.
  • Identify quality and safety gaps, and develop strategies for addressing them in healthcare services.
  • Understand and advocate for quality improvement and patient safety.
  • Use quality data to make changes and monitor performance improvement.
  • Create an environment that leads to organizational excellence.
  • Understand healthcare accreditation in Egypt and worldwide.
  • Develop and implement quality improvement initiatives at different healthcare services.
  • Assess and improve health care processes through evidence-based best practices.
Specialized Courses
  • Healthcare Quality Management Basic Principles.
  • Healthcare Information Management.
  • Patient Safety and Infection Control.
  • Risk Management in Healthcare.
  • Accreditation for Healthcare Organisations.
  • Healthcare Governance and Excellence.
Targeted candidates
    - This program is targeting individuals working in the field of healthcare quality such as medical doctors, nurses, administrators, lab technicians, pharmaceutical, quality control, hospital management, hospital accreditation.
    - This program can be of interest for anyone looking to start a career in the healthcare quality sector.
Program Duration
    - The program consists of 48 credit hours spread over a minimum of 4 semesters (2 academic year).

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