Registration Procedures of Degree - Processing Registration Forms

  1. The registration process starts when the student submits his/her authorized by the academic advisor ‘Semester Registration Form’ to the Student Affairs Office. The Office will endorse it and forward it to the Assistant Dean for authorization before being registered at the Registration and Documentation Office.
  2. To register officially, students must enter the correct course code for each course onto their ‘Registration Form’.
  3. Before registering for course, the student should check with the Academic Standing Office to check his/her academic requirements of credits and GPA.
  4. Students must check with their academic supervisor for any prerequisites to be fulfilled before registering a certain course or otherwise it would be their sole responsibility if they registered in a course without finishing its pre-requisite one. (Check pre-requisites on the academic regulations part of the MBA program).
  5. After completing the registration process, the student should print his/her class schedule and review it to ensure that all courses have been entered correctly and that the required number of credits for his degree program has been met.

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