Final authority for the designation of grades rests with endorsement of the AAGSB Dean on the grade sheet submitted by instructor of each course.
Once a grade has been endorsed and reported to the Registrar's Office, the following procedures apply:
To change an ‘Incomplete’ to a ‘Complete’ grade, the grading instructor must submit a ‘Change of Grade Form’ to the Dean’s office for review and endorsement.
To correct a clerical error in reporting the original grade, the grading instructor must submit a ‘Change of Grade Form’ to the Dean’s office for review and decision by the Dean or his/her designee.
To change a grade in light of new and relevant information regarding the student's performance, the grading instructor must submit a ‘Change of Grade Form’ to the Dean’s office for review and endorsement by the Dean or his/her designee. Within the same form, the grading instructor is expected to indicate that he/she has reviewed the work of all other students in the course and made sure that no similar errors have existed and gone uncorrected.