It has to be noted that:
- Tuition fees must be paid before the starting date of the semester. Students, who are one month late in paying their tuition fees from the starting date of the study, will be penalized by an additional 10% charge as late fees.
- Students who have not finished their MBA thesis in the fourth semester are allowed an additional semester without paying any extra fees. A student’s failure to finish his/her thesis within the fifth semester will result in the student registering 12 credit hours in the sixth semester and paying the equivalent tuition fees.
- Students who have not finished their DBA dissertations in the 6th semester are allowed an additional semester without paying any extra fees. A student’s failure to finish his/her dissertation within the seventh semester will result in the student registering 9 credit hours in the seventh semester and paying the equivalent tuition fees.
- Degree candidates must pay full tuition for the designated number of courses, depending on their degree program and their registered number of courses:
- Students are required to fully pay the tuition fees per each semester.
- Students are required to pay the appropriate tuition rate for each registration period.
All degree candidates who are enrolled in courses or who intend to use any academic facilities such as the library and computer labs must pay the extra charges indicated by the Finance Office for such services.
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