The following academic reference standards represent the general expectation about the qualifications attributes and capabilities that the graduates of Industrial and Management Engineering program should be able to demonstrate.In addition to the knowledge and understanding of engineers, the graduates of Industrial and Management Engineering program should demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:
a.13 The fundamental manufacturing processes and the most recent technologies that are used in that field.
a.14 Basics of industrial engineering such as production planning and control, production planning, and inventory management
a.15 Organizations, their structures and their management, including the management of human resources, financial resources and operations.
a.16 Globalization and its effect on the different operations of an organization and the importance of industrial data systems in that regard.
a.17 The key concepts of quality engineering and reliability and their importance in the production of goods and services
In addition to the intellectual skills of engineers, the graduates of Industrial and Management Engineering program should be able to:
b.13 Solve a wide range of problems related to the analysis, design and construction of production systems
b. 14 Identify range of solutions and critically evaluate and justify proposed design solutions
b.15 Analyze and solve the problems presented by industrial entities.
In addition to the practical and professional skills of engineers, the graduates of Industrial and Management Engineering program should be able to:
c.13 Use the scientific literature effectively and make discriminating use of web resources
c.14 Use appropriate computer-based support tools for problem-solving and analysis of results
c.15 Apply the acquired skills in a commercial or industrial environment
Furthermore, the graduate of Industrial and Management Engineering program should have the following General and Transferable Skills
d.1 Collaborate effectively within multidisciplinary team
d.2 Work in stressful environment and within constraints
d.3 Communicate effectively
d.4 Demonstrate efficient IT capabilities
d.5 Lead and motivate individuals
d.6 Effectively manage tasks, time, and resources
d.7 Search for information and engage in life-long self-learning discipline
d.8 Acquire entrepreneurial skills
d.9 Refer to relevant Literatures