College of Language and Communication  Cairo

What is Media & Information Literacy

What is Media and Information Literacy?


Media Literacy is defined as the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create content on different media formats. Moreover, Information Literacy is knowing when and why you need information, where to find it and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner. 

Media and information literate students think critically, click wisely, and they are better able to understand the complex messages we receive from the different forms of media.  




1- Universal Declaration of Human Rights 


2- Navigating the infodemic with MIL: media and information literacy


de Servicios, A. D. D. P. (2023). Navigating the Infodemic with MIL: Media and Information Literacy (Vol. 1). UNESCO Publishing. 


 3- Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely!


Grizzle, A., Wilson, C., Tuazon, R., Cheung, C. K., Lau, J., Fischer, R., ... & Gulston, C. (2021). Media and information literate citizens: think critically, click wisely!. 


4- Journalism, fake news & disinformation: handbook for journalism education and training


Ireton, C., & Posetti, J. (2018). Journalism, fake news & disinformation: handbook for journalism education and training. Unesco Publishing. 


5- Countering online hate speech


Gagliardone, I., Gal, D., Alves, T., & Martinez, G. (2015). Countering online hate speech. Unesco Publishing. 


6- Media and information literacy: policy and strategy guidelines


Grizzle, A., Moore, P., Dezuanni, M., Asthana, S., Wilson, C., Banda, F., & Onumah, C. (2014). Media and information literacy: policy and strategy guidelines. Unesco. 


7- Understanding Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Digital Age: A QUESTION OF DEMOCRACY


Balčytienė, A. (2020). Ulla Carlsson (Ed.)(2019). Understanding Media and Information Literacy (MIL) in the Digital Age: A Question of Democracy. Gothenburg: Department of Journalism Media and Communication (JMG) University of Gothenburg 266 pp. ISBN: 978-91-88212-89-4. Central European Journal of Communication, 13(26), 293-295. 


8- Overview of information literacy resources worldwide


Horton, F. W. (2013). Overview of information literacy resources worldwide. Unesco. 


9- MIL Clicks