College of International Transport and Logistics  Alexandria

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CITL Week at the College of International Transport and Logistics - Main Campus in Alexandria

The college launched the CITL Week for the second semester of 2023-2024. This week includes a variety of events and activities aimed at enhancing the professional and cultural skills of the students.

On the first day, May 19, 2024, a seminar was organized on "How to Build Your Career Path", where experts from the job market provided useful advice and guidance to students on planning their career path and developing their capabilities.

Then on the second day, May 20, 2024, the college witnessed a cultural and entertainment competition between the different college departments, which provided the students with an opportunity to interact and compete in a positive way.

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 was dedicated to "Logistics around the World", where a seminar was organized to introduce the different logistics systems in various countries around the world.

On the fourth day, May 22, 2024, a symposium on "Humanitarian Logistics and First Aid" was organized in collaboration with the Red Crescent, in CITL's auditorium.

On the last day of the week, Thursday, May 23, 2024, a ceremony was held in CITL's auditorium to honour the students who excelled academically, athletically, culturally, and artistically.

In addition to these events, the days of the week witnessed sports activities such as table tennis, PlayStation, and chess in the college courtyard.

CITL students showed great enthusiasm for participating in these diverse activities, which contributed to enriching their university experience and developing their personal and professional skills.