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‏“Electrical Energy Efficiency Toward the Achievement of SDGs in Marine Applications: Power Drives, Shore Supply, Digitalization, Sustainability”

Within the framework of cooperation and integration between the College of Maritime Transport and Technology Deanship of Dr. / Mohieddin Muhammad Al-Sayeh and the College of Engineering and Technology of the Deanship of Prof. Dr. / Akram Suleiman Al-Salami
And in the coordination of Dr. Badr El-Din Mohamed Badr El-Din - Dean of Practical Research and Maritime Affairs
On Sunday and Monday, December 4-5, 2022, the College of Maritime Transport and Technology invited the Department of Electrical and Control Engineering - the department head, professors and students - to attend a joint workshop between the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport and the research team of the University of Twente in the Netherlands and ABB Industries. Electrical where the address of the workshop is:
‏“Electrical Energy Efficiency Toward the Achievement of SDGs in Marine Applications: Power Drives, Shore Supply, Digitalization, Sustainability”
We were also honored to have with us Prof. Frank Leferink
Leader of the European Technology Network for the Sustainable Electromagnetic Environment and Consultant to the Manufacturer of Navigational Instruments
And Engineer / Mohamed Salem - Head of the Energy Systems Sector at ABB. The workshop included many important topics such as:
Power Drive Systems for Less Polluting Propulsion and Interference
‏• Power Quality & Interference Issues (Ship As an Islanded Power Grid).
‏• Energy Efficiency & Variable Speed Drives in Marine Application
‏• Digitalization & Sustainability
‏• New Lightweight (Composite) Materials for Lower Fuel Consumption, Challenges to Provide Shielding for Radio`s and Radars

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