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Visit to "The Arab Renewable Energy Company Organization (ARECO)"

The Department of Electrical Engineering and Control organized a scientific trip to the Arab Renewable Energy Company plant of the “Arab Organization for Industrialization” on November 2, 2022 under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Ahmed Kadry - Professor Renewable Energy and Dr. Nahla Zakzouk, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Control Engineering. This factory is one of the largest factories in the field of producing photovoltaic solar panels in Egypt and renewable energy.
During the visit, the team of engineers at the factory explained the various stages of manufacturing, passing through the stages of testing for cells, cutting panels, placing glass layers and welds. This was followed by the optical inspection, electrical tests, alignment of the sides, the installation of metal frames, then the final tests and packaging.
In addition, Eng. Marian Mamdouh - General Manager of the Technical Office of the Arab Renewable Energy Company, ARECO, AOI, gave a full explanation of all the manufacturing stages and introduced the factory, and the students also visited the solar power plant using the On-grid and Off-grid systems

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