
Properties of fluids and flow continuum ? hydrostatics - hydrodynamic applications - flow kinematic properties and forces - flow conservation equations - continuity equation - momentum principle - energy equations - flow measurements - flow in closed/open conduits - flow in pipeline systems - pipes in series - pipes in parallel - pipeline network and pump stations - features of hydraulic analyses for the design of civil engineering projects in rivers - lakes and coastal zone.


Bachelor Degree in Construction and Building Engineering


  • To provide the student with the basic concepts and methods of analysis of hydraulics and its applications in the sustainable design of civil engineering projects.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Week No.1: Introduction to hydraulic aspects in civil engineering projects and its ecosystem environment.
2Week No.2: Properties of fluid(s), sediment-laden liquids and units.
3Week No.3: Behavior of real fluid flow.
4Week No.4: Hydrostatics and fluid forces.
5Week No.5: Hydrostatics and fluid forces, continued.
6Week No.6: Flow conservative equations Mass, Momentum and Energy Equations.
7Week No.7: Application of flow conservative equations.
8Week No.8: Application of flow conservative equations, continued.
9Week No.9: Flow in single pipes.
10Week No.10: Flow in pipe systems.
11Week No.11: Pumps (in parallel and in series).
12Week No.12: Pump-pipeline system analysis.
13Week No.13: Free surface flow in open channels and flow types.
14Week No.14: Introduction to basic design of uniform channel surface flow.
15Week No.15: Introduction to main physical parameters of Ecosystems.
16Week No.16: Final Exam.

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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