Program Objectives are statements that describe the expected accomplishments of graduates during the first few years after graduation:
· To produce graduates who possess quantitative, scientific reasoning skills that can be applied to atmospheric, oceanic and hydrographic problems.
· To produce graduates who have a general knowledge of a range of atmospheric, oceanic and hydrographic phenomenal and applications, and have expertise in one or more program sub-disciplines or related interdisciplinary areas.
· To produce graduates who are equipped to contribute to solving problems in the atmospheric, oceanic and hydrographic sciences and related disciplines, through service in business or as educators, researchers, and leaders in academia, government, the private sector, and civil society.
· In addition to supporting safe and efficient navigation of ships, meteorology, oceanography and hydrography underpins almost every other activity associated with the sea, including:
1.     Resource exploitation - fishing, minerals, ... | 2.     Environmental protection and management, |
3.     Maritime boundary delimitation, | 4.     National marine spatial data infrastructures, |
5.     Recreational boating, | 6.     Maritime defense and security, |
7.     Tsunami flood and inundation modelling, | 8.     Coastal zone management, |
9.     Tourism, | 10.                        Marine science. |