
Get ready to delve into the computer vision practical solutions!

Electronics and Communications Engineering Department (ECE AAST Alexandria) invites you to Join a webinar on july 5th, where Eng. Ahmed Nasr from COM-IOT technologies will showcase applications and computer vision solutions specially Lidar.
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July 5th, 2023 at 7:00 PM.
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Ahmed Nasr is a Machine Learning Engineer and a part-time M.Sc. student in Computer Engineering (with a focus on Machine Learning & Deep Learning). He obtained his B.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering from Ain Shams university in 2020.
He currently work as a Computer Vision Engineer at COM-IoT Technnologies, a startup based in Dubai, specializing in smart cities, traffic management, and security solutions using LiDARs and Cameras AI solutions.
Previously, He worked as a Machine Learing

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