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Future of Energy Meeting with CEEBA - Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations

In collaboration with the European Union, the Alexandria Chamber of Commerce discusses the future of energy efficiency in public buildings.

Mr. Ahmed El-Wakil, President of the Egyptian Chamber of Commerce in Alexandria and President of the Union of Mediterranean Chambers, stated that preserving our oil, gas, and electricity resources is the key to development. He affirmed that Egypt is currently a land of opportunities.

During his speech at the seminar on the future of energy efficiency in public buildings in Egypt, organized by the Alexandria Chamber in collaboration with the European Union, he mentioned that thanks to the efforts of the government and cooperation with European partners, Egypt now covers its daily energy needs.

He emphasized the importance of providing more energy for industrial use, development, and export, in addition to establishing an energy center for the Eastern Mediterranean.

Mr. El-Wakil confirmed that significant achievements have been made in the field of renewable energy, thanks to the support of the Ministries of Trade, Industry, International Cooperation, and Electricity, as well as programs like ENI CBC MED by the European Commission, including projects like Maia Taqa and SOLE. Additionally, the ENPI CBC MED program by the European Union, through projects such as FOSTER in Med and SHAMS, and the European Regional Union in EuroMedInvest and EBSOMED projects have contributed to advancements in renewable energy.

He highlighted various activities and experimental projects funded by hundreds of companies to reduce costs, increase competitiveness, and protect the environment. These initiatives encompassed training, technology transfer, advocacy for legislative and regulatory reforms, and support for startups.

In conclusion, he stated that efforts will continue to support initiatives leading to energy conservation projects, the creation of green jobs, and the efficient use of fossil fuels for future generations.

Supported by the European Union, numerous regional and cross-border projects are being implemented, feasibility studies conducted, conferences and reconciliation events organized, bringing together leaders from various energy sectors. The goal is to establish long-term partnerships, advocate for energy conservation laws with incentives, and encourage the establishment of energy service companies with the support of development partners.

The event was attended by His Excellency Ambassador Christian Berger, Head and Ambassador of the European Union Delegation, and Engineer Ihab Sameer Al-Faqi, Chairman of the Board of the Alexandria Electricity Distribution Company.

It's worth noting that the Alexandria Chamber is the first chamber in Africa and the Arab world to be operated with solar energy.

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