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  • Honoring the President of the Academy for sponsoring the conference on the sustainability of the national industry in the field of water and sanitation services.

Honoring the President of the Academy for sponsoring the conference on the sustainability of the national industry in the field of water and sanitation services.

In recognition of the sponsorship of the conference on the sustainability of the national industry in the field of water and sanitation services, as part of the sponsorship of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport and its participation in the conference held on February 26 and 27 last year, His Excellency Professor Dr. Ismail Abdel Ghaffar, President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, received the organizers of the conference. These included Major General Engineer Mahmoud Nafea, President of the Alexandria Sanitation Company, and Engineer Marwa Eldriny, President of Ejada Consultancy for Sustainability, who presented the conference recommendations to him and honored him for sponsoring the conference. They also acknowledged the participation of various entities from the academy, represented by the Institute of Productivity and Quality and the Faculty of Engineering and Technology, as well as the Industrial Services Complex at the Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, in enriching the conference's discussion sessions. His Excellency recommended directing specific recommendations for scientific research and further partnership between the academy and the two organizing companies, as well as the Water and Social Infrastructure Project of the European Union Delegation in Egypt, within the scope of water resource sustainability in Egypt. Dr. Abeer Murad, Director of Corporate Communications Management, attended the meeting.