Integrated Simulators Complex

Visual Modeling Unit

The Visual Modeling and Research Center at the Integrated Simulators Complex is the workshop, where various kinds of databases are designed and built in. Visual, Environmental, Radar and Instructor Databases as well are created for the purpose of optimized performance during run–time applications in different simulation fields: Marine, Nile River and even Railway simulation.Precision, control and accuracy for all levels of a scene are achieved by the usage of Multigen Creator Software that provides immersive control over the entire modeling process, and the polygon-based authoring system, that generates optimized and highly detailed models for the creation of realistic simulation environments.A texture power tools that coordinates for easy 3D texture mapping is used in the creation of the Visual Modeling Database.




Scope of Work

In general, the database team is responsible forbuilding four kinds of databases: visual, environmental,instructor and radar databases, at the same time theteam categorizes the simulated visual databases into 3levels of details: highly detailed, medium detailed andlow detailed, according to the port’s nature, client’srequirements, approved agreements.

Consequently our generic database modeling(standard level) includes the following major points:

  • A photo-textured constructed library, whichincludes all Port quays, platforms, buildings,structures, cranes and important cultureobjects.
  • The surrounding environment is a uniquelyphoto-textured terrain and extends farenough to enable port approaches fromseveral miles out to sea.
  • The navigational aids lightening system ofthe concerned area is also built and testedaccording to the admiralty charts.
  • The Environmental database that includesdepths, current, wind and bank effects is alsoconstructed.
  • Mooring points and pier pumps are builtalong required port quays.
  • A Geo-plot (Instructor) and Radar databasesof the concerned area are also designed andbuilt.
  • Compiling the four kinds of databases, testingand enhancements are finally made beforedelivering the overall database.Accordingly, definite time required to accomplish ageneric database port is determined, depending uponthe Port’s size, and the required details by customer.On the other hand, a 6 degree of Ship DynamicModels (SDM) that includes various kinds of vesselsand traffic ships, with its 3 loading conditions (Full, halfand ballast), are available at the Integrated SimulatorsComplex for training purposes.

Accordingly, definite time required to accomplish a generic database port is determined, depending upon the Port’s size, and the required details by customer. On the other hand, a 6 degree of Ship Dynamic Models (SDM) that includes various kinds of vessels and traffic ships, with its 3 loading conditions (Full, half and ballast), are available at the Integrated Simulators Complex for training purposes.

The four kinds of databases

Ports’ Database building consists of four main branches:

  • Visual database
  • Environmental database
  • Radar database
  • Instructor database

Visual database

This is one of the main, effective stages in building a database for any area, where the database designer creates and designs all the visual objects of the concerned area by using one of the most powerful graphics’ software “MULTIGEN Creator” which is the industry’s leading direct-purpose real-time 3D modeling software, that allows the creation of high fidelity and extremely realistic 3D simulation content, that is application-ready. The software provides precise control over the entire modeling process, and, like animation-based modellers, Creator offers the flexibility necessary for modeling from multiple points of view. These features streamline and simplify the modeling process, thereby increasing work productivity.

Shore lines, Navigational Aids, Land objects, Cranes, Mountains, Buildings, Lighthouses, Bridges, Traffic ships, Bow images...etc. are built in 3D. Consequently the whole visual database is tested in order to be compiled to the different simulators in the ISC (Main Bridge, Fast Boat, Tug Boat, and the IBS simulators), which provides a view of 360º, and 180º.

Nautical charts, pilots’ books, architectural drawings, detailed photos of objects are required for the Modeling of the visual Database.


Environmental Database

All necessary information of the wind, current, depths and bank effects of the concerned modeled ports are created too.


Radar database

A Radar Database is also designed to enable the trainee having a radar image of the area during the manoeuvres on the radar device.


Instructor database

Also, a Geo-Plot (Instructor) Database is designed to give the instructor an overview outline of the port in 2D that will be illustrated on the Instructor device during scenario run-time, thus helping during the trainee evaluation process.


Researches & Consultations


Marine Ports

One of the main roles of the Visual ModelingDatabase Center in coordination with the Full MissionShip Handling Simulator Department is executingresearches, providing consultations, as well as carryingout research projects for the maritime industryand supporting these researches with detailedconsultations and recommendations.

After building the database, the area of interest willbe navigationally examined by the Full Mission ShipHandling Simulator Department. Port examinationis based on several simulated manoeuvres underseveral environmental conditions with different shiptypes. The results of these manoeuvres will end witha detailed report accompanied by recommendationsdescribing the level of safety and validity of the“design” of the area of interest.

The Ship Handling Simulator Department and theVisual Modeling Database Center have executedseveral national and international projects andresearches to support the training purpose ofthe maritime field since the establishment of theIntegrated Simulators Complex in 1996.


Visual Modeling & Research Center Portfolio(Researches)

  1. Bulk Quay at Alexandria Port – Egypt.
  2. Establishing Port Said East Port– Egypt.
  3. Establishing El Sokhna Port Study – Egypt.
  4. Petroleum Quay at El Dekheila Harbor – Egypt.
  5. Al Fujairah SPM Terminal – UAE.
  6. Damietta LPG – Terminal – Egypt.
  7. Damietta LNG – Terminal – Egypt.
  8. Damietta Emethanex – Terminal – Egypt.
  9. Damietta Eagrium – Terminal –Egypt.
  10. Dekheila Port – Berth No.96 –Egypt.

Visual Modeling & Research Center Portfolio (Ports’ Projects)


EGYPT Ports:

  • Alexandria Port.
  • Dekheila Port.
  • Damietta Port.

The center has made several updates andmodifications simultaneously with the execution ofany ports and quays’ extensions within Alexandria,Dekheila and Damietta Ports.



International Ports:


USA Ports:

  • Kodiak.
  • Keywest.

They have been created by the center as a subcontractorfor Ship Analytics Co. to the US CoastGuard.


United Arab Emirates Ports:

The Center has built four main ports in the UnitedArab Emirates which are:

  • Fujairah Port.
  • Khaled Port.
  • El Hamriyah Port.
  • Korfakhan Port.

Saudi - Arabia Ports:

  • Ras Tanourah Port.
  • Abdullah Port.

Kuwait Ports:

  • El-Ahmady Port. 

Visual Modeling & Research Center Portfolio(Projects)


The Nile River Project

A complete Visual Database was built and createdcovering an area over 700 km alongside the river nilestarting from Cairo and ending at Aswan.








Egypt Railway Stations'' Projects

About 45 Railway stations were modeled for thepurpose of Werdan Railways Training Institute. Thedatabase includes stations along more than 1500 kmof railways covering Egypt’s most important cities fromAlexandria to Aswan including all the surroundinglandscape and important details.