Our Events

15 APR


Introducing Our Guest Speaker from college de paris Dr. Ahmed El-Khouly

We are delighted to share some of the highlights of today’s conference with Collège de Paris guest speaker, Dr. Ahmed El-Khouly. Mr. El-Khouly kindly offered us his presence to explore the exciting topics in our recently created majors, Sports Management , entrepreneurship, and Fashion and luxury brand management. His enthusiasm and knowledge made for an interesting and engaging meeting.


As he devotedly answered our students’ questions, Dr. El-Khouly’s passion for the topic was visible. It was truly remarkable how eager he was to share his knowledge and provide insight into new majors: Fashion and luxury brand management, entrepreneurship and sports management.


We would like to express our gratitude to the students of CMT Alamein whose boundless participation and enthusiasm made today’s semester a great success. Our efforts to provide our community with meaningful learning opportunities are enhanced by your interest and involvement.


At CMT Alamein, we are committed to creating an environment where curiosity is valued and learning never ends. Such meetings not only improve teaching in the classroom but also provide helpful ideas that are crucial for personal and professional development.


As we reflect on the conference today, we are reminded of the importance of keeping our minds open to new ideas and seizing opportunities for personal growth. Each of our experiences furthers our journey of self-discovery and evolution, whether it’s learning about the latest developments in sports management or a challenging program of fashion and luxury brand management .


We truly value Dr. Ahmed El Khouly’s time, expertise and commitment to supporting the next generation of leaders.