College of Management and Technology Alamein provides outstanding educational and research services to national and international communities, through utilizing its competent capabilities and facilities to develop and maintain sustainability and growth.
Through cooperation with local and international academic and non-academic partners we differentiate our services through continuously improving our staff, providing distinguished programs and elite graduates that positively impact industry and society.
To be recognized as premiere business college in higher education and research serving industry and society.
Core Values
- We value high ethical standards. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we value honesty, integrity, and dignity in our interactions with colleagues and students and seek to act in accord with the highest standards of professional ethics at all times.
- We value our students. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we welcome the responsibility of working with students to facilitate their learning in a high quality educational environment.
- We value the educational process. As faculty, staff, and administrators, we welcome the responsibility to develop and deliver high quality educational programs to students in the College and throughout the University.
- We value the process of research and scholarship. As faculty, we seek to expand the knowledge in our disciplines by conducting relevant and valid research and to disseminate this knowledge through teaching, intellectual contributions, and service activities.
- We value the communities we serve. We recognize and appreciate the contributions that all Egypt communities make to the College and University in the forms of students, resources, and opportunities for business and personal growth.
- We value, and embrace diversity, addition and cooperation. We respect the rights, culture, and dignity of all persons as contributing members of the team by utilizing multiple perspectives and talents.
- We value, and embrace transparency, democracy, equality, objectivity and justice.
Our Policies
College of Management and Technology Alamein adopts a variety of constructive, creative and motivating policies in the light of realizing its vision. These policies guarantee and secure the existence and prevalence of a calm and multi-incentive environment that initiates and positively affects the distinguished performance of all parties concerned in College of Management and Technology Alamein, the students, the faculty members and the administration. Moreover, these policies positively enhance the educational process and academic research which will, in turn, benefit the stakeholders and the social community as a whole.
College of Management and Technology Alamein policies are multi-oriented they consider the students, the faculty members, the administration, the academic process, the academic research and industry and communal service. Regarding students, College of Management and Technology Alamein policies aims to enrich students with high academic and practical skills through providing them with the recent and updated knowledge and information in their programs and enable them to acquire practical and training skills through the harmonization between the academic programs and their intended learned outcomes and the requirements of the industries and communal service. College of Management and Technology Alamein policies foster students’ intellectual, cultural and personal development to prepare them for lifelong learning.
Regarding the faculty members, College of Management and Technology Alamein policies pursue to retain and develop a motivating surrounding that enables these members to perform well on their teaching context and academic research. They Create and promote an environment in which high quality research productivity is rewarded and recognized. These policies provide the infrastructure to support world-class, discipline-based research, scholarship and creativity advance research and innovation to address the challenges of the global society and promote multidisciplinary collaboration.
Considering the administration, College of Management and Technology Alamein policies will more closely integrate planning, assessment and resource allocation promote continuous quality improvement through our assessment efforts and increase communication and transparency throughout the college. College of Management and Technology Alamein will develop and implement strategic plans for critical areas across campus to ensure that it has the human, financial and technological resources it needs to achieve its goals, and will develop and implement structures to promote and reward professional excellence.
With regards to the communal role, College of Management and Technology Alamein policies will continue to support and enhance this role by strengthening and expanding its continuing and professional education programs, increasing scholarship programs to students, building research and service linkages with the broader community and graduating students who value service to their communities and to larger causes at the national and international level.
Strategic Priorities
- Create a culture in support of teaching in every department across campus.
- Improve assessments of teaching and enhance the importance of teaching excellence through the allocation of resources to departments, programs, and faculty.
- Identify good models for promoting a culture in support of teaching and use these as benchmarks to assess and improve teaching in other units.
- Faculty renewal in the context of academic priorities and substantial retirements.
- Develop multi-year hiring plans giving priority to recruiting new Ph.Ds. and “rising stars.”
- Use pre-fills of retirements, internal reallocation, and fund-raising to generate necessary resources.
- Identify a few departments or fields of critical importance to the College and move them into a position of regional leadership while working to prevent others from losing such stature.
- Identify departments on the cusp of leadership or on the verge of losing it and make proactive efforts to generate or preserve that leadership.
- Develop stronger connections across colleges to enhance educational opportunities for students and the quality and stature of disciplines or fields.
- Develop policies that encourage students in one college or campus to take courses in another.
- Devise new mechanisms of coordination and connectivity across academic disciplines or across departments within a given academic discipline.
- Implement strategically focused, cost-effective enhancements to the infrastructure in support of research, scholarship, and creativity.
- This includes in particular the college libraries, shared research facilities in the sciences and social sciences, and administrative support for faculty applying for or managing research grants.
- Make significant progress toward a more diverse faculty, student body, and staff in terms of gender and race and ethnicity.
- Establish explicit and ambitious goals, considering appropriate pipelines and the importance of “critical mass.
- Enhance recruitment and retention processes.
- Ensure that mechanisms holding units accountable are effective.
- Strongly connect outreach and public engagement with CMT’s areas of strength in research, scholarship, and education.
- Broadly redefine the outreach mission as communal engagement and impact, extend it across campus, and develop approaches appropriate to different academic disciplines or fields.
- Strengthen opportunities for students to “engage the world” as part of their academic work.
Goals and Strategic Objectives
Goal (1): Realize the distinguished level and precedence in education.
Strategic Objectives:
- Establish and support a culture that enhances excellence in all academic units.
- Develop and sustain organizational structures that promote pedagogical innovations both centrally and within programs.
- Provide a more unified and shared educational experience for College of Management and Technology Alamein undergraduates.
- Enhance the educational impact of international opportunities and experiences for students.
Goal (2): Recruit and retain an academically prepared and diverse student body.
Strategic Objectives:
- Innervate efforts to recruit and retain a diverse pool of highly qualified undergraduate students.
- Reward, promote, and publicize student and faculty successes in research and the integration of research with teaching.
- Promote the health and well-being of students as a foundation for academic and life success.
- Enhance efforts to attract and educate an excellent and diverse body of undergraduate students.
Goal (3): Recruit the nationally, regionally and globally recognized faculty members.
Strategic Objectives:
- Attract a talented and diverse workforce to College of Management and Technology Alamein.
- Give priority to recruitment of highly qualified staff in valued positions as the College of Management and Technology Alamein reorganizes to address budgetary constraints.
- Be an exemplary employer across the entire spectrum of staff.
- Provide job skill training to staff in a variety of venues.
Goal (4): Develop and support prominent undergraduate and graduate programs that satisfy the national, regional and international requirements.
Strategic Objectives:
- Implement the university’s institutional assessment plan.
- Develop and support outstanding undergraduate programs that meet national, regional and international needs.
- Receive accreditation or re-accreditation of programs.
- Build and maintain domestic and regional leadership in set departments within the broad areas.
Goal (5): Realize the distinguished level and precedence in research.
Strategic Objectives:
- Significantly improve institution-wide services for the administration and support of research grants (foundation, and industry funding.
- College of Management and Technology Alamein Library.
- Shared Research Facilities.
Goal (6): Enhance and encourage student volunteer activities and community service.
Strategic Objectives:
- Make communal engagement a distinctive feature of education at College of Management and Technology Alamein.
- Construct a unified concept and vision for the college’s public engagement mission.
- Develop rigorous, systematic evaluations of all outreach and extension programs.
- Connect public engagement to on-campus research and educational strengths.
- Promote stronger collaborations and partnerships between the college and stakeholders that can make use of and strengthen College of Management and Technology Alamein’s research.
Goal (7): Develop infrastructure and financial resources.
Strategic Objectives:
- Maintain a sustainable College of Management and Technology Alamein infrastructure that meets student expectations, attracts high quality staff and delivers the college’s academic objectives.
- To maintain a sustainable and resilient financial position to support the mission and academic positioning of the college on an ongoing basis.
- Develop and implement an integrated planning process tied to budget allocation and assessment.
- Recruit, retain and develop high-quality administration.
Sustainability Priority
Commitment to developing and maintaining an environment that enhances social responsibility and facilitates transition toward sustainability, through:
- Respect and applying the SR 7 principles as well as the issue-specific principles statedin ISO 26000.
- Developing planning tools to support long-term economic, environmental, and socially responsible decision-making.
- Demonstrating institutional practices and procedures that promote sustainability.
- Establishing indicators for sustainability that will enable monitoring, reporting and continuous improvement.