Computer Science is a prominent program offered by CCIT, aimed at cultivating a generation that can harness innovation and creativity. Through hands-on exposure to cutting-edge programming design methodologies and state-of-the-art facilities, our students are encouraged to explore and devise innovative solutions for real-world challenges. Upon graduation, our program equips students with the skills and capabilities to pursue diverse career opportunities and excel in various international competitions, positioning them as the next generation of entrepreneurs. The work of computer scientists can generally be categorized into three main areas:
Computer scientists tackle complex programming tasks and often oversee teams of programmers, ensuring they stay updated with the latest methodologies and innovations.
Advances in areas like networking, databases, and human-computer interaction have led to breakthroughs such as the World Wide Web. Today, computer scientists collaborate with experts from various fields to develop intelligent robots, leverage databases to generate new knowledge, and use computational tools to unravel the mysteries of DNA.
They create efficient methods for tasks like storing information in databases, transmitting data over networks, and rendering complex visuals. With their strong theoretical foundation, computer scientists can determine optimal performance levels and design algorithms that enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
The program provides a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. To be eligible for the degree, candidates must demonstrate academic excellence and fulfill the requirements of a carefully crafted study plan, which is devised in collaboration with their academic advisor and approved by the Computer Science Department Council. Graduation necessitates the successful completion of 132 credit hours, which are distributed across 8 academic semesters.