History of Egyptology

  • College of Archeology & Cultural Heritage |


Through knowledge and understanding, students will be able to: • Name main characters of Egyptology • List endeavours, excavations, landmark publications, discoveries • Identify trends within the discipline Through intellectual skills, students will be able to: • Explain theoretical issues using appropriate terminology • Criticize historiographic interpretations • Analyse literary, documentary and archaeological sources • Reflect upon main themes such as decolonization, gender, minorities, museum theory, Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to: • Understand historical sources • Carry out specific research tasks • Differentiate between different historical phases and their products/interpretation of the past Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to: • Work in a team • Deliver a public speech • Defend own ideas • Evaluate and self-evaluate presentation • Write a short essay


Egyptian Archaeology


  • This course aims at introducing the students to the history of Egyptology, from the antiquity itself to the most recent developments, but focusing in particular on the period after the Napoleonic expedition (1798-1801), the decipherment of the hieroglyphic script (1822) and the birth of scientific archaeology. Through reading accounts, excavation reports, excerpts of books and articles and analysing paintings, engravings and photographs, the students will be taught to use critical thinking to reflect on the development of the discipline, the different interpretations put forward about the ancient Egyptian past, the effects of colonial politics and racist theories.


• Thompson, Jason. Wonderful Things: A History of Egyptology. Volume 1: From Antiquity to 1881. Cairo-New York: The American University in Cairo Press, 2015. • Thompson, Jason. Wonderful Things. A History of Egyptology. Volume 2: The Golden Age: 1881-1914. New York: American University in Cairo Press, 2015. • Thompson, Jason. Wonderful Things. Volume 3: From 1914 to Twenty-First Century. New York: American University in Cairo Press, 2016.

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