Serious offences

The following are some serious offences that breach the Academy rules and regulations. The penalty of such offences may involve forbidding students from sitting to final exams to for good dismissal from the Academy:

Actions violating the Academy rules and regulations.

  • Calling off or provoking ceasing study as well as deliberate refusal to attend lectures, sessions or any other activities that students should be punctual at.
  • Any actions showing dishonesty, violating proper code of conduct or committing an offence that should be punished according to the law of the Headquarters State either inside or outside the Academy.
  • Sabotaging or eliminating any facilities, buses, devices, materials, or library books.
  • Violating exam rules by cheating or intending to cheat.
  • Forming or taking part in any associations inside the Academy without a previous permission from the concerned Academy authorities (Student Affairs Deanery).
  • Distributing leaflets, publishing any form of wall magazines, spreading rumors, provoking riot or disturbance or collecting signatures without a previous permission from the concerned Academy authorities.
  • Encouraging sit-in inside the Academy or taking part in it.
  • Resorting to hysterical violence or fighting with other colleagues inside or outside the Academy.
  • Stealing, being an accomplice in a theft, accepting hiding stolen items and refusing to report stealing incident to concerned authorities.
  • Counterfeiting official documents or certificates for personal benefits.
  • False testifying during interrogations or abstaining from giving information that may help investigate serious offences.
  • Annoying the Academy authorities by false offences.
  • Distorting the Academy image either inside or outside the campus.
  • Violating normal human social behavior, sexual deviation, or making any actions incompatible with ethics inside or outside the Academy.
  • Playing any sort of gambling inside the Academy.
  • Breaching the Academy security regulations as regards the security of buildings, documents, fire or persons.
  • Bribing any of the Academy employees.
  • Allowing strangers to enter restricted areas at the Academy without an entry permit or following the applied security rules.
  • Talking inappropriately with the Academy supervisors, leaders, lecturers or executives