Preventive Conservation for Organic Material Culture

  • College of Archeology & Cultural Heritage |


Through knowledge and understanding, students will be able to: • Identify all agents of deterioration for archaeological organic materials • Describe the risk types for archaeological organic materials • Explain the magnitudes of risks for archaeological organic materials • Choose the scientific methods of transport and packaging of organic archaeological materials • Specify the scientific methods to control the environment of the museums show and storage of organic archaeological materials Through intellectual skills, students will be able to: • Comprehend scientific methods of the preservation of archaeological organic material in archaeological sites and museums • Decide on the scientific methods of transporting and packing organic archaeological materials in museums and archaeological sites • Distinguish between the scientific methods of exhibition and storage according to the requirements of preventive conservation • Conduct a risk assessment • Use library sources effectively Through professional and practical skills, students will be able to: • Implement an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program throughout the building in public, staff, and collection storage and exhibition areas • Develop policies and guidelines for the safe handling, exhibition, storage, and research use of cultural objects • Evaluate the costs, and risks of implementing the proposed mitigation measures • Implement consistent environmental monitoring for temperature, relative humidity, and light levels in storage, exhibit, and work-processing areas Through general and transferable skills, students will be able to: • Provide accurate information on the subject matter • Work with colleagues on a presentation and understand team work dynamics • Critique opinions and scientific ideas and link them through scientific reasoning • Provide accurate information on the subject matter • Use computer and modern technological means in communication, access, and search for information • Plan, organize and manage time • Work with colleagues on a presentation and understand team work dynamics • Create, innovate to find alternative solutions to solve problems


Material Culture Conservation


  • This course introduces the student to preventive conservation for the mitigation of deterioration and damage to archaeological organic materials. This course focuses on the formulation and implementation of policies and procedures for the following: proper environmental conditions; handling and maintenance procedures for storage, exhibition, packing, transport, and use; integrated pest management; emergency preparedness and response; and reformatting/duplication. The course will discuss preventive conservation as an on -going process that continues throughout the life of archaeological organic materials and does not end with interventive treatment. Activities in the course will focus on the risk management approach to conservation of archaeological organic materials. Students will be work on a practical method to carry out a risk assessment survey for collections in museums, archaeological sites and storage facilities.


• Caple, C. Preventive Conservation in Museums. Routledge, 2011. • Sullivan, S., and R. Mackay. Archaeological Sites: Conservation and Management. Readings in Conservation. Getty Conservation Institute, 2012.

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Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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