5.3.4 Women’s application in underrepresented subjects

  • 5.3.4 Women’s application in underrepresented subjects

At AASTMT, we are proactive in addressing gender imbalances in various academic disciplines, and our commitment extends to promoting Women’s Application in Underrepresented Subjects. Recognizing the importance of diversity in all fields, we actively encourage women to apply for programs where they are traditionally underrepresented. This encouragement is facilitated through comprehensive university outreach efforts and strategic collaborations with other academic institutions, community groups, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. By participating in regional and national campaigns, AASTMT aims to amplify the message of inclusivity, emphasizing the value of women's participation across a broad spectrum of academic disciplines. Through these concerted efforts, we aspire to break down barriers and inspire more women to pursue their academic interests in fields where their representation may be historically limited.

Through university outreach/ through collaboration with other universities and/or community groups and/or government     and/or NGOs in regional or national campaigns

AASTMT takes proactive measures to address gender imbalances across academic disciplines, emphasizing our dedication to fostering the participation of women in underrepresented subjects. We actively advocate for women to apply for programs traditionally lacking female representation, promoting inclusivity primarily through university outreach initiatives. Through these targeted outreach endeavors, our goal is to eliminate barriers and motivate a greater number of women to pursue their academic interests in areas where their representation has historically been limited. AASTMT is committed to creating an environment that not only encourages but also actively supports women in making significant strides in diverse academic disciplines.

Website of Agreements & International Cooperation Center

The Website of the Agreements & International Cooperation Center (AICC) at AASTMT stands as a testament to our commitment to global engagement and academic excellence. AICC actively endeavors to broaden its role in international partnership programs by collaborating with esteemed universities worldwide. This pursuit is aimed at elevating the standard of International Programs offered at AASTMT, enriching the academic experience for our students with diverse opportunities and programs. The website serves as a comprehensive resource, showcasing the array of partnerships and collaborative initiatives that contribute to the global perspective embedded in our academic environment. Through AICC's proactive efforts, we strive to foster a dynamic and interconnected learning atmosphere that prepares our students to excel on the international stage.