5.3.1 Tracking access measures

  • 5.3.1 Tracking access measures

Within AAST, our commitment to promoting gender inclusivity in higher education is bolstered by our robust system for tracking access measures. At AAST, we already have a sophisticated desktop application dedicated to systematically measuring and monitoring women's application rates, as well as their acceptance or entry rates into academic programs. This tailored approach enables us to proactively assess the efficacy of our outreach and admission processes, ensuring transparency, accountability, and continuous improvement in fostering equal opportunities for women. By leveraging our existing technology, we demonstrate our dedication to providing a supportive and inclusive environment, where every woman has equitable access to educational opportunities. This initiative aligns with AAST's broader mission to champion diversity and empower all students in their academic pursuits.​​​​​​​

The figure below shows tracking access measures for graduate students compared to females by graduation categories in the 2021/22 academic year for undergraduate students.