Deck cadets (Planned Training)
Completion of nautical basic studies at CMTT with achieving 76 credit hours with minimum GPA 2.0
Deck cadets (Guided Training)
Completion of THE COURSES MT214QMT234 at CMTT with minimum GPA 1.8
Engine cadets (Planned Training)
Completion of engineering basic studies with achieving 76 credit hours with minimum GPA 2.0
Engine cadets (Guided Training)
Completion of THE COURSES EE218,MM211T,MM221T,& MM241T
Marine electro-technical cadets (PlannedTraining)
Completion of marine electro-technical basic studies with achieving 76 credit hours with minimum GPA 2.0
Marine electro-technical cadets (Guided Training)
Completion of marine electro-technical basic studies with achieving 70 credit hours with minimum GPA 1.8
These qualifications meet the academic demands of the Egyptian Authority for Maritime Safety (EAMS) and AASTMT.