Program of Study for Nautical Department Cadets During Fifth and Sixth
     (Semester Guided Sea Training Onboard Training Ship AIDA IV)
Aim of 5th Semester
This training provides the practical shipboard experience required to become an efficient and competent ship’s officer. It supplements and reinforces the classroom learning undertaken to meet the requirements of regulation II/4 of the 1995 STCW Convention for theoretical and practical knowledge. Practical watch keeping experience is based on regulation II/1, “Basic Principles to be observed in keeping a Navigational Watch”, and resolutions 1&3 adopted by the international Conference on Training and Certification of Seafarers, 1978.
Course Objectives of 5th Semester
The Trainees will acquire basic seamanship skills and a Practical awareness of the need to follow safe working practices. They will also be able to keep a navigational watch safely, in accordance with the relevant regulations and recommendations.
Aim of 6th semester
To be ready to seat to Second Mate Exam.
To be able to serve as an Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch.
Maintaining  direct control over the performance of all functions within the designate area of responsibility in Accordance with proper   procedures.
Objectives of 6th semester
On the completion of the course the student will be able to seat for second mate exam
 On the completion of the course, trainees will have a knowledge of Cargo Handling and Stowage – Ship Stability Watch keeping, ship maneuvering and Emergency procedures.