E learning and M learning:

  • Rania Fahim El-Gazzar, Osama Badawy, and Mohamed Kholief.  Agent-Based Mobile Event Notification System, International Journal of Interactive Mobile Technologies (iJIM), Vol 4, No 4 (2010)

Abstract: In recent years, the noticeable move towards using mobile devices (mobile phones and PDAs) and wireless technologies have made information available in the context of "anytime, anywhere using any mobile device" experience. Delivering information to mobile devices needs some sort of communication means such as Push, Pull, or mixed (Push and Pull) technologies to deliver any chunk of information (events, ads, advisory tips, learning materials, etc.). Events are the most important pieces of information that should be delivered timely wherever the user is. Agent-based technology offers autonomous, flexible, adaptable, and reliable way of delivering events to any device, anywhere, and on time. Publish/subscribe communication model is the basic infrastructure for event-based communication. In this paper, we define the need to mobilize the event notification process in educational environment and the possible categories of event notifications that students can receive from their educational institution. This paper also proposes a framework for agent-based mobile event notification system. The proposed framework is derived from the concept of push–based publish/subscribe communication model but taking advantage from software agents to serve in the mobile environment. Finally, the paper provides a detailed analysis for the proposed system.

Abstract: One of the main objectives of educators is to identifying inspiring and interactive approach to learning, and to encourage students to be more receptive and co-operative  in the classroom. To help educators in achieving these goals we employed constructivist epistemology and constructivist cognitive psychology, together with the use of Mind Maps and Dynamic Mobile Knowledge (DMK) Toolkit. The toolkit can serve as the foundation for a new kind of integration of Internet resources and all classroom, laboratory, field experiences, and when used with “expert skeletal” Mind Maps to scaffold learning. It is our thesis that good theory-based use of the appropriate technology can increase the benefits of using Mind Maps in education and lead to dramatically improved education. In this paper we first explored the Mind Maps Concept, then we presented and explained the advantages of DMK toolkit and how this can support mind mapping and integration of a whole array of learning experiences. In the last section we presented two case studies to provide the evidence of how the DMK toolkit and Mind Maps can lead to education paradigm shift and enhance the outcome of the learning experience in higher education. 

  • N. Nada, M. Kholief, N. Metwaly, Mobile Knowledge Visual  e-Learning Toolkit, The 7th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing and Multimedia, 14-16 December 2009, K L, Malaysia. ACM 2009, ISBN 978-1-60558-659-5

Abstract: One of the main objectives of educators is to identify inspiring and interactive approach to learning, and to encourage students to be more receptive and co-operative in the classroom. To help educators in achieving these goals we employed constructivist epistemology and constructivist cognitive psychology, together with the use of Knowledge Maps and Mobile PDA (K-M) Toolkit. The toolkit can serve as the foundation for a new kind of integration of Internet resources and all classroom, laboratory, field experiences, and when used with "expert skeletal" Knowledge Maps to scaffold learning. It is our thesis that good theory-based on use of the appropriate technology can increase the benefits of using Knowledge Maps in education and lead to dramatically improved educational system. In this paper we explored the Mind Maps Concept, and then we presented and explained the advantages of M-K toolkit and how this can support Knowledge Mapping and the integration of a whole array of visual e-learning experiences.

  • N. Nada, M. Kholief, N. Metwaly, Visual e-Learning Toolkit, 3rd International Future-Learning Conference On Innovations in Learning for the Future 2010, May 2010, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • Nader Nada, Mohamed Kholief, Shehab Tawfik, Noha  Metwally, Dynamic Mobile Knowledge Toolkit, The 2008 International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT''2008), December 2008, Safax, Tunisia