Measurements & Instrumentation

  • Electronics & Communications Engineering |


Measurements of errors, Accuracy, Precision, Resolution, Sensitivity. Statistical analysis (Mean, Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance). Units and standards of measurement. Electromechanical indicating instruments. Analog Instruments (DC Ammeter (Ayrton Shunt), DC Voltmeter, Ohmmeter (Series type, Shunt Type), AC- Instruments with Rectifiers, Bridge measurements (AC Bridges, DC Bridges), Digital instruments for measuring basic parameters, oscilloscope techniques.


Bachelor in Electronics and Communications Engineering


  • Understanding the basic measurement techniques such as accuracy, precision, standards. To study rnthe operation and construction of analog, electronic and digital multi-meters.


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Course Content

content serial Description
1Definitions, The importance of electronic measurements for engineers, Types of rnerrors.
2Statistical analysis.
3Review on the fundamental and derived units, Classification of standards, rnElectrical standards, IEEE standards.
4Permanent magnet moving coil.
5DC voltmeters, sensitivity, Use the sensitivity method for the design of DC rnvoltmeter, Analyze a circuit taken into consideration in loading effect.
6Series type and shunt type ohmmeters, Calibration of DC instruments .
77th Week Exam
8Alternating current indicating instruments, AC voltmeters with full wave rnrectifiers and half Wave rectifiers.
9DC bridges and sources of error, AC bridges.
10AC voltmeters using rectifiers.
11True RMS – Responding Voltmeter.
12Component measuring instruments, Basic Q-meter circuits: a- Direct rnconnection b- Series connection c- Parallel connection Sources of error”.
13Oscilloscope measurements (phase shift, period and voltages).
14Oscilloscope block diagram.
15Oscilloscope techniques, Special oscilloscopes, (a) storage oscilloscope, (b) rnsampling oscilloscope (c) Digital storage oscilloscope”.
16Final Examination

Markets and Career

  • Generation, transmission, distribution and utilization of electrical power for public and private sectors to secure both continuous and emergency demands.
  • Electrical power feeding for civil and military marine and aviation utilities.
  • Electrical works in construction engineering.

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