For the sake of encouraging more distinguished scientific research papers published by the Academy teaching staff members, it has been decided that the cash rewards, starting from 01/01/2013 and in accordance with the ratification of his excellency the president of the AASTMT, will be as follows:
1. Distinguished level: 10.000$ as a reward for publishing in Science/Nature journal.
2. First level: the reward is determined according to the Impact Factor of the journal.
General Regulations:
1. It is stipulated that the researcher, or one of the joint researchers, is one a teaching staff member at the Academy. The researcher could also be to a post-graduate student or an employee at the Academy.
2. The name of the AASTMT must appear alongside with the researcher’s name on the published research paper.
3. The researcher submits a file to the dean of the college concerned (via the concerned department) to be revised and sent to the rapporteur of the scientific awards committee at the Educational Affairs and Quality Assurance Unit. The file includes the following:
o A photocopy of the research paper taken from the scientific journal (i.e. the research has been published).
o A signed acknowledgement, in the case of joint research, by all members indicating percentage of participation.
o The autobiography of the researcher(s).
4. In case of joint research, the percentage of contribution/participation should not exceed the following:
Number of Researchers | Maximum Percentage per contributor |
individual research | 100% |
joint research for two authors | 70% |
joint research for three authors | 50% |
joint research for four authors | 40% |
joint research for five or more authors | 30% |
5. The concerned committee takes into consideration the scientific ranking of the journal in which the research is published based on the journal’s Impact Factor (IF) according to the Thomson and Reuters list is available through the following link-
6. The reward value is determined according to the journal’s IF and in accordance with the following table.
Reward Value in US Dollars | Journal Impact Factor (IF) |
2000 | 0.2 – 0.5 |
2500 | 0.5 – 0.8 |
3000 | 0.8 – 1.0 |
3500 | 1.0 – 1.2 |
4000 | 1.2 - 1.5 |
4500 | 1.5 - 1.8 |
5000 | 1.8 - 2.0 |
5500 | 2.0 - 2.5 |
6000 | more than 2.5 |
7. The awards committee issues its recommendations to the financial affairs to grant the researcher(s) the due cash reward in accordance with the percentage of participation and the value of the reward as in article (6).
8. The awards committee meets annually in December to evaluate the performance and update the regulations for the following year in order to ensure a high rank to the Academy amidst scientific circles. These regulations cannot be applied retroactively*
*Researchs awards are not evaluated retroactively for any scientific production that has been accepted for more than a year.