In the department of Basic and applied science, the courses are divided into categories of:
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
Electrostatics + Coulomb’s law- Electric field – Motion of charged particles in a uniform electric field– Electric flux and Gauss law –Electric Potential energy and electric potential – Capacitors(parallel plate capacitors, energy stored) – Capacitors in series and parallel–Electric current –Ohm''s law – resistivity – Power in the circuits –Resistors in series and parallel – Kirchhoff''s rules –R.C circuit –Magnetism (Force on a charge in magnetic field) Force on a current –carrying conductor in magnetic field. Biotsavart law and its application – Amper''s law and its applications – Electromagnetic Induction –Magnetic flux –Faraday''s law- Mutual Induction – Self Induction – Interference of light – Young''s double slit experiment – Polarization of light waves
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA113
Heat and work –The states of the working fluid –  Perfect Gas & its properties – Reversible non-flow processes: Constant volume, constant pressure, constant temperature (isothermal), adiabatic and polytrophic process for steam and perfect gas – The second law of thermodynamics – The heat engine – Entropy –The T-S diagram a: For vapour for perfect gas –Static and dynamic properties of fluids. Kinematics of fluid flow. Equation of continuity – The steady-flow energy equation) –Bernoulli’s equation – Heat Transfer – Conduction, Convection and radiation the composite wall and the electrical analogy Heat flow through a cylinder and a sphere.
Cr.2. Prerequisite: None
Introduction – Electrochemical Reactions, Electro chemical cells, Introduction, Electrochemical Reactions, Electro chemical cells, Electrochemical Series,  Polarization, Passivity, Definition of Corrosion, Metals and Corrosive Environments, Forms of corrosion, uniform, Galvanic and D.A.C., Pitting corrosion , S.C.C and I.G.C., Atmospheric Corrosion Erosion Corrosion, Coating protection and Inhibitors, Cathodic Protection, Classification of Fuel, Properties of liquid fuel, Combustion of fuel, Purpose of Lubrication, Classification of Lubricants, Properties of Lubricating Oils, choice of Lubricant, Additives, Introduction to Impurities in Water, Purification and Treatment of Water.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
Basic rules of Differentiation–Trigonometric functions and their derivatives –Inverse trigonometric functions and their derivatives – Logarithmic function and its derivative. Logarithmic function and its derivative – Derivatives of hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic functions – Parametric differentiation, Implicit differentiation –Limits and L’Hospital rule –Partial Differentiation – Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s expansions – Curve sketching: Critical, maximum, minimum and inflection points – Curve sketching (rational functions) and physical application (velocity and acceleration) –Conic sections : Parabola, Ellipse and Hyperbola
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA123
Integration by parts –Integration of rational functions – Integration of Trigonometric powers –Integration by trigonometric substitution –Integration of quadratic forms and the Reduction formulas – Areas and Volumes – Length of the curve – Average of a function – Numerical integration – Matrix Algebra – Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors – Cayley – Hamilton theorem.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
Introduction to mechanics: general principles. Force system: rectangular components of a force, parallelogram law. Equilibrium of a particle: springs and cables. Force system resultant: moment of a force, transability of a force, free body diagram. Equilibrium of a rigid body: condition of rigid body equilibrium, equation of equilibrium, two and three force member. Structural analysis: simple trusses, the method of joint, zero force members, method of sections, frames and machines. Friction and Moment of inertia.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA141
Kinematics of particles – Rectilinear kinematics – General curvilinear motion – Motion of projectile – Kinetics of a particle– Newton’s laws of motion– equations of motion  –Work and energy of a particle – Principle of work and energy – Work and energy for a system of particles – Motion of a rigid body – translational and rotational motion – General plane motion – Relative motion analysis  –Relative motion analysis using rotating axis – Kinetics of a rigid body – Rotation about a fixed axis: translation, general plane motion.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA124
First order ordinary differential equations (Separable, Homogeneous, Exact, Linear and Bernoulli’s equations) – Second order ordinary differential equations with constant coefficients (General solution of homogeneous and Non-homogeneous equations: Method of undetermined coefficients – The Method of variation of parameters)–Second order ordinary differential equations with variable coefficients:[Cauchy- Euler Equation] – Laplace transforms(First Shifting Theorem –  Derivatives of Transforms – Transform Integration –  Unit Step Function – Second Shifting Theorem – Convolution Theorem) – Inverse Laplace Transforms – Applications(Solution of ODEs using Laplace Transforms – Solution of integral equation (Volterra Integral Eq.) using Laplace Transforms – Solution of R-L circuit using the Laplace Transforms)–Fourier series of functions of period 2P, Fourier series for even and odd functions, half range expansions and for harmonic functions.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA223
Vectors in 2D and 3D Space –Vector Algebra– Vector and scalar functions – Vector differential calculus – Vectorintegral calculus –Theorems, physical interpretation of the integrals theorems – Complex algebra – Complex functions – Complex differentiation – Complex integration – Poles and zeros of analytical functions – Residue theorem, and application to real integrals.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA 224
Solving ODE using power series methods  - Gama functions- Beta functions - Bessel functions- Legendre’s Polynomials- Partial D.E., Method of separation of variables - Heat equation- Wave equation- Conformal Mapping: complex functions as mapping-Linear Factional mapping– Schwarz – Christoffel mapping.
11.  BA329 – Probability and Statistics
Cr.3. Prerequisite: BA224
Elementary probability – Conditional probability - Independent and dependent events –Bayes theorem - Combinatorial analysis - Discrete probability distribution – density function- Continuous probability distribution – density function - Mathematical expectation, mean and variance -  Moments skewness kurtosis and moments generating function - Special discreet distribution Bernoulli - Geometric and Poisson distributions - Special continuous distribution : Uniform – Negative exponential - Normal distribution-Failure – Time distributions - Exponential model in reliability- Exponential model in life testing - General worked examples.
Cr.3. Prerequisite: None
Introduction about Nature of Scientific Thinking &Thinking Patterns Development Meaning & Construction of Science + Scientific Values & attitudes Science, non-science & other-than science +Science, Engineering & Technology Properties of science Mental operations used in science and Scientific Guessing Types of deductions and Representation Research methods in natural sciences, definitions Experiments, Observations, Scientific postulates and their conditions Verification of scientific postulates General methods of problems solving Creative and critical Thinking Fluency types Flexibility, Originality and Basics of Brain Storming.
C.r3. Prerequisite: None.
Introduction to fine Arts – Art in our lives – The Basic Meaning of Art- Design elements: Shape and Form – Design elements: Space – Design elements: Texture and pattern –Design elements: Colour – Colour theory–The Principles of Design: Balance– Emphasis- Contrast–Repetition–The Principles of Design : Proximity– Proportion- Harmony– Unity & Variety–Ethics of engineering
14.   NE466 – Environmental Science and Technology
 C.r3. Prerequisite: None.
Environmental Development within the last decade (Environmental Conventions, Local Environmental Law),  Environmental and ecological systems resources efficiency, sustainable consumption and production,  The development of human awareness regarding environment problems, Populations, health and environment, Development and the environment, Environment ,Life Cycle Approaches and Indicators, Environment and sustainable development, Poverty and the environment, Climate change adaptation and mitigation, Disaster Risk Reduction, Environmental improvement, Economic and social returns/ benefits of pollution abatement, Environmental and ecosystem management.