Programs and Incubators 2021- 2022

  • Programs and Incubators 2021- 2022

1.The GoodWill Incubator, 1st Business Incubator for Entrepreneurs with Disabilities, 2021 -Current

Goodwill Incubator, The 1St Business Incubator For Entrepreneurs With Disabilities, established in cooperation and sponsorship between Rowad 2030, project of the Ministry of Planning and Economic Development and the Entrepreneurship Center at the Arab Academy for science, technology and maritime transport.

Links to the evidence

Incubator  WebSite 

Incubator WebNews

2. Tanmia Wa Tatweer (TWT) Incubator, Jul 2021 -Jan 2022

TWT, Agribusiness Incubator Project objective is to enhance and support the entrepreneurship ecosystem in Egypt to Enable empowerment of existing and potential entrepreneurs, particularly youth and women, to establish, manage and operate successful innovation-driven businesses in 3 priority sectors:
1. Agribusiness
2. Clean and Green
3. Creative Industries, with a focus on handicrafts and performing arts.
This will be achieved by supporting the implementation of incubation programs, giving focus to disenfranchised areas such as Upper Egypt and New Valley, as well as to women and youth.

Links to the evidence

Incubator  WebSite 

Incubator WebNews​​​​​​​

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