Affordable and Clean Energy

Research Projects

AASTMT staff members collaborate in many energy-related research projects and graduation projects to serve industry and community.


  • Energy-related Research Funded Projects


1. Med SE(A)CAP integration through uniform adapted assessment and financing methods, mainly targeting buildings in education and health sectors, for sustainable        development goals in a smart society/ SEACAP 4 SDG

Ref No/ Funded Entity



Targeting buildings in education and health sectors

Project Duration

18 Month

Project Start Date

2021-12-21 00:00:00


2. A Smart Public Parking System

Ref No/ Funded Entity



Power Electronics Applications

Project Duration

1 Year

Project Start Date

2021-01-01 00:00:00


3. EU funded Project/ MAIA TAQA

Ref No/ Funded Entity

project nr. A_A.2.2_0195


SMEs access to research and innovation

Project Duration

4 years

Project Start Date

2019-09-01 00:00:00


4. High Level Renewable and Energy Efficiency Master Courses (HEBA)

Ref No/ Funded Entity



Renewable Energy

Project Duration

46 Months

Project Start Date

2017-11-01 00:00:00


5. Application of renewable energy technologies for green ports: Egyptian ports as a case study

Ref No/ Funded Entity



Green Ports

Project Duration

12 Months

Project Start Date

2021-10-01 00:00:00


6. Research on Optimizing the Effect of Loads on Characteristics of Power Electronics Converters for Renewable Energy Applications

Ref No/ Funded Entity



Electrical and Control Engineering

Project Duration

12 Months

Project Start Date

2021-10-01 00:00:00


7. Multidimensional Study of Wind Energy Potential in Alamein

Ref No/ Funded Entity



Wind energy, multidimensional study, Al-Alamein, Egypt

Project Duration

12 Months

Project Start Date

2021-10-01 00:00:00


  • Supervised Renewable Energy Projects



  • Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG)

Wind operated humidity separator 2021

Design and Economic Feasibility of a Solar Powered Atmospheric Air Water Generator 2022


  • Evacuated tubes

Evacuated tubes solar heater for producing high-temperature air flow 2021

Enhancing the performance of the evacuated tubes solar air heaters 2023

Integrated parabolic concentrators with evacuated tubes solar collectors for high temperature air heater 2023

Improving the heat transfer effectiveness in one-ended evacuated tube solar air heaters 2024


  • Hybrid wind-wave

Hybrid wind-wave energy application 2018

Hybrid wind-wave energy application 2019 


  • Savonius Turbine

Experimental study of Savonius Wind Turbine 2018

Wind Tunnel Experimental study of Small Vertical Axis Wind Turbines 2019

Wind turbine 2019

Vertical axis wind turbine 2019

Savonius wind turbine 2019

Savonius new design (Traditional Savonius + With gates) 2021

Savonius new design 2021

Savonius turbine with a single gate blade 2022

Bladeless Turbine 2021

IceWind Turbine 2021

New designs of VAWT and comparing with its traditional type 2023

Performance of Horizontal Axis Wind Turbine 2023

Power generation using renewable energy 2023


  • Solar Chimney

Solar Chimney 2021

Basic Solar Chimney 2023

Solar chimney for ventilation 2024


  • Water desalination

Water desalination with flat plate solar energy collector 2019

Water desalination assisted with evacuated tube solar collector 2019

Water desalination with solar –multi effect humidification 2019

Water desalination with single basin solar still and evacuated tube solar collector 2019

Water Desalination with the concentrating mirror solar still 2019

Design of simple rescue solar still in marine applications 2020

Evacuated Tube With Circular Trough Mirrors For Water Desalination 2020

Solar MEH Desalination Assisted With forced-draft circulation 2020


  • Wave Energy

Wave Energy Application 2018

Wave energy system applications 2018

Vibrations diagnosis for oscillating water column systems 2019

Improved design of a duct geometry for wave energy extraction system 2019

Enhancement of design of a wave energy extraction turbine for Egyptian coasts 2019 

Enhancement of Design of a Wave Energy Extraction Turbine for Egyptian Coasts 2020


  • Wind Harvesting

Wind Harvesting 2020 

Wind Harvesting (Small scale wind turbine, Galloping and VIV) 2021

 Wells turbine casing (2022)



The chemist Ahmed Mohamed Elzahawy who is a technician in College of  Pharmacy - AASTMT campus was awarded the bronze reward for his Scientific Research  in Green Hydrogen  in the United Nations Competitions for Inventors which was held in Moracco in 13th of October 2021

-(Patent of green hydrogen for Chemist Ahmed El Zahrawy )-

-(Consultant Certificate )-