Affordable and Clean Energy

7.4.4. Policy development for clean energy technology: Inform and support governments in clean energy and energy-efficient technology policy development - Page 1

AASTMT develops local, regional, national and global initiatives, plans and agreements to inform and support governments in developing clean energy policies and establishing energy efficiency plans to reduce energy consumption, divert to clean renewable energy and sustain serving environment and community.

Green Energy and Energy Management Policy on AASTMT webpage

Read our Green Energy and Energy Management Policy statement

Visit to water company in Egypt by AASTMT Energy Research (Unit May 2023)

  • To disseminate the PV pilot unit of the project and the energy efficient toolkits that can be implemented within the Alexandria water company.

Presentation by the head of AASTMT Energy Research Unit about the future of energy efficiency in public building at Alexandria chamber of commerce  (14 May 2023)

CEEBA - Confederation of Egyptian European Business Associations’ Post on LinkedIn

Visit of Prof. Amged El-Wakeel – Chairman of the board of Directors of the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA) and the accompanying delegate to AASTMT (9 Jan 2023)

To discuss with Prof. Ismail Abdel Ghafar- AASTMT president- the methods of cooperation to promote discussion and exchange experiences in areas of energy technology.

Chairman of the board of Directors of the Egyptian Nuclear Power Plants Authority (NPPA) and the accompanying delegate to AASTMT

Visit and preparation of development plan, to the Industrial Technical Secondary School for Drinking Water and Sanitation in Alexandria, to rationalize energy consumption, increase energy saving and improve its efficiency (26 December 2022)

This was established by the Energy Unit Head at AASTMT-college of Engineering and Technology as one of the outcomes of the UN Project Sustainable Energy Access and Climate Action Plans (SEACAP 4SDG) 2021-2023.

A Visit To The Industrial Technical Secondary School For Drinking Water And Sanitation In Alexandria on the AASTT news page

AASTMT visit to Alexandria Water Company ( 4 November 2022)

discuss the joint work between both entities and improve energy efficiency in the company.

visit to Alexandria Water Company  on the AASTT news page

Launch of “Innovation One-stop-shop (IOSS)” entity (25 Sep. 2022)

that offers tailor-made services (knowledge, technical assistance, consultancy, and networking opportunities) to support green energy technologies

Initiative Towards A Green And Sustainable Future (13 September 2022)

With the participation of the Academy’s sustainable development team, the College of Engineering and Technology of AAST hosted this initiative. The aim of the initiative was to open avenues of cooperation between the academy and schools to educate students and educational institutions towards the goals of sustainable development.

The participants visited the solar power plant at the Faculty of Engineering, which is the largest plant in Egypt on the roof of an educational building, and visited the renewable energy lab to explain the methods of producing energy from sustainable means such as wind and green hydrogen. Measuring vital indicators of climate and water and how to purify and desalinate water. The visit also included a visit to the Aquaculture Center, where he explained modern farming methods with use limited water resources and recycled waste.

Today, students and representatives from various schools in Alexandria attended
* Harvard International School
* Technical Industrial Secondary School for Drinking Water and Sanitation for Boys in Alexandria
* Al-Nasr Boys School
* Royalty Language School
* Al-Riyadah Language School
* Egyptian American School
* Nile Modern Language School

Initiative Towards A Green And Sustainable Future

In regards of  the “ 7th Arab Housing Conference : Towards Smart Sustainable Cities” (22 August 2022)

 hosted in Egypt and organized by the Egyptian Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities, the Council of Arab Ministers of Housing and Reconstruction and the League of Arab States, Prof. Ismail Abdel Ghafar- AASTMT President- is encouraging AASTMT Academic staff and researchers to participate and submit their papers that contribute to the development of innovative solutions and effective means towards smart and sustainable cities which enhance life quality.

the “ 7th Arab Housing Conference : Towards Smart Sustainable Cities”

Egypt National Initiative for Smart Green Projects” (21 Aug. – 7 Sep. 2022)

in this regard, Prof. Ismail Abdel Ghafar- AASTMT President- is encouraging AASTMT Academic staff and researchers to submit their papers in the field of sustainable and smart development and dealing with the environmental dimension and the effects of climate change. This initiative will chart a map for each governate’s smart green projects, connecting them with funding agencies and attracting the necessary investments.