Refresher Course In Proficiency in Survival Crafts and Rescue Boats other than Fast Rescue Boats A-VI/2-1

  • Maritime Safety Institute


-Introduction and safety- general – Abandon ship – survival craft and rescue boat- Lunching arrangements- Evacuation and recovery of survival craft and rescue boats- Actions to take when clear of the rig.
-Lifeboat engine and accessories – Rescue boat outboard engines- Handling survival craft and rescue boats in rough weather – actions to take when aboard a survival craft – Methods of helicopter rescue.
-Hypothermia – Radio equipments – First aid


Marine Programs for Seafarers Holding Seaman Book


  • The aims of this course are to provide the training for candidates to launch and take charge of a survival craft or rescue boat in emergency situations, in accordance with Section A-VI/2 of the STCW Code.

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