Simulator training has over the last years proved to be an effective training method when training shipboard personnel, especially where an error of judgment can endanger life, environment and property.
A dynamic real-time computerized simulator can compress years
Of experience into a few weeks, and give knowledge of the dynamic and interactive processes typical for a real cargo operation.
Proper simulator training will reduce accidents and improve efficiency, and give the Crew/operator the necessary experience and confidence in their job-situation
Simulator Description
The Simulator presently consists of twelve interactive colour graphics terminal for students use, together with a set of instructor's terminal through which exercises may be, system malfunctions injected or parameters changed, and individual student performance assessed.
These are linked to a central computer which contains mathematical models of the cargoes and their containment system. These models incorporate equilibrium and non-equilibrium thermodynamics as well as a fluid dynamics to enable each system to be depicted very realistically.
During the operation of the simulator, current values of the system variables such as rate of flow, temps, pressures and valve state are displayed on the student interactive terminal together with the associated mimic diagram of the cargo handling system. Exercises are normally run in real time, but facilities are provided to enable forward skip, recording and playback.
The students control all aspects of the model directly through the terminal by manipulation of a cursor and keyboard.
A communications system is also incorporated to provide the simulation of ship/shore communications and allow direct contact between the instructor and student without any interfere.
The Simulator facility consists of twelve interactive color graphics terminals for training purposes, together with a set of instructor's terminals through which exercises may be selected, system malfunctions injected, or parameters changed, and individual trainee’s performance assessed.
The Objectives
I- Models (Vessels)
II- Model (Terminal)
Cargo available for training includes:
The Liquid Gas and Petrochemicals facility offer the following training levels for courses:
Level I:
Basic courses introducing the principles of design and safety of operation to junior officers.
Operation to junior Personal.
Level II:
Advanced courses designed for personnel who have limited experience and are about to assume greater responsibility.
The structure of the training course consists of a mixture of simulator exercises together with detailed briefing and debriefing sessions as well as lectures on relevant subjects.
In addition to the training courses addressing normal ship/terminal operations, other courses have been developed to introduce shipboard requirements to ship surveyors and shore-based maintenance engineers.